Façade Natural Stone Method Statement.
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Façade Natural Stone Method Statement.

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Façade Natural Stone Method Statement.

Scope of Work.

The purpose of this Method of Statement for Façade Natural Stone installation is to outline the materials and  labor required to undertake the works in a safe and controlled manner, compiling with relevant legislation, standards, and codes of practice etc.

The method statement shall be briefed to all appropriate operatives to ensure that they are aware of the  sequence of activities and any Client/Consultant project specific requirements.

A constant monitoring and supervision duty shall be undertaken by contractor to ensure work activities are  carried out in accordance with the method statement. Any irregularities shall be immediately actioned. 

This method statement describes the working procedures for Façade Natural Stone and all related activities. This  will include bracketing, Natural Stone installation and post application.


The method statement covers all installation of Brackets, Natural Stone as per Specifications, approved material, approved Colors, and approved Shop Drawings.


  • Base material
  • Bracket
  • Bracket Fastener
  • Insulation
  • Insulation Fastener
  • Profiles
  • Profile Fastener
  • 20 mm thickness marble cladding
  • Firestop solutions

Delivery, Handling & Storage.

All deliveries to site will be accompanied full and comprehensive delivery Order. This document shall clearly identify the type and quantity of materials contained in the delivery. The document shall also indicate the delivery address, delivery date and shall be signed by the Site Storekeeper acknowledging receipt of materials listed in the delivery in the delivery order.

Ensure all delivered material is complying with the approved material submittal.

Ensure all delivered material is well packed to avoid being scratched or damaged by others.

In Factory prior to loading of Natural Stone on trailers, Quality Engineer should check the quality

and tagging of all panels. Packaging, if necessary shall be minimum to protect the parts from damage during transportation and installation.

Each Part or Panel will be individually labeled to be identified. Materials will be transferred to site ready for offloading or direct erection and distribution. Materials are transported using method which will cause no damage.

Upon receipt of delivery of materials to the site, storekeeper/ QC Engineer shall verify in accordance with the relevant ITP, that the material are compliant with the approved Shop Drawings / Approved Material and specification.

Any materials that do not comply with the Approved shop Drawings and specifications shall be removed from site and an Internal Non-Conformance Reports will be raised.

Main contractor & Engineer to be invited to inspect via Material Inspection Request by Quality in Charge.

Materials that have been verified conforming to the Approved Contract/Shop Drawings and Specifications shall be released for allocation to working and/or designated storage areas.

Transportation of materials to working and/or designated storage areas shall be coordinated by the materials Coordinator and the area supervisor.

Material will be stored in the designated area provided by the Main Contractor, so that the stored material will not be exposed to damage from wetting, traffic, or operations of other trades. (Main contractor will provide designated storage area for each floor). Hoist or Tower Crane will be used to shift the material (platform by main contractor).

Stacking shall be done in away will be prevent bending or scratches or excessive pressure or abrasion of the finished surfaces.

Handling of material will be to a minimum; Care will be taken to avoid damage to finishes of materials

All delivered materials shall be well protected, covered and stored in locations close to the designated final use.

Material storage must not block any means of access and egress.

Logistics Plan.

Material delivers as per delivery schedule. Material will be delivered on site on trailers.

Material storage facilities on site. Subcontractor will require an isolated yard for storing the delivered material. It should be accessible to cranes and should have clear way on ground to move material. Material shifting will be done manual if required.

Parking facilities on site for trailers will be required. It should be accessible to crane.

Material hoists which includes the time slots when these will be provided, for subcontractor exclusive use for transporting.

Crane to be provided by main contractor dedicatedly to subcontractor to lift and shift the material to the respective location of installation areas.

Personnel hoists for the transport of staff/ personnel up and down

Materials will be sending to site to comply with construction program and delivery schedules.

Inspection of Materials in Store.

Raise material inspection request, MIR of the engineer’s inspection and approval.

Ensure all relevant documents are attached to the MIR before submittal.

Work Methodology.

The works shall be executed in accordance with the following methodology and sequence:

Mark the cavity and stone layout as per approved drawings.

Determine the position of the L- bracket as per approved drawings.

Fix the L- bracket by using S/S 316 M 8*80 – shield bolt anchor for block wall, S/S 316 M8*80- through bolt anchor for concrete wall or, S/S 8 *80 – HEX bolt for steel structure.

Apply the torque of 18 Nm and do spray paint on bolt head to indicate that the bolts are checked & tightened.

Position the aluminum Q- profile as per the cavity required on the drawings. And fix the Q-profile by SS 410 RKY façade screw φ 6.3 x 25. Placement of the Q- profiles should be at every stone joint and center part of the stone.

In accordance with the stone joints, mark and fix the aluminum hangers (single hanger for the center part of the stone / double hangers for the stone joint areas) to the Q- profile by using SS 410 RKY façade screw φ 4.8 X 32.

60 mm insulation sheet must be tightly botted together and fitted with back substrate. This is practically important at the corner of the building.

Insulation sheet must be fitted without gape and permanently secured with insulation fasteners.

Place the stone as per approved drawings.

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