what is change management plan?
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what is change management plan?

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what is change management plan?

Although requirements have been determined and scope has been selected, project plans are revised to accommodate these changes, which may be new customer requirements or changes to existing requirements.
The change management plan explains how changes will be managed and controlled. Each change should be evaluated in terms of its impacts as well as alternative solutions for implementing the change.
If the change is approved by the change control board, it will be implemented after the project plans have been properly revised. While changes are being evaluated, the negative effects of the changes should be kept to a minimum. Changes, in general, have a negative impact on the project. They may have caused the budget to exceed the planned value or caused the project duration to be extended, among other things. While evaluating the change, consider alternative solutions that can be implemented.
The best solution that has the least impact on the project should be considered. Changes should not be undertaken lightly; a small change in a particle activity or a small compound of the project may have a significant impact on other parts of the project. As a result, the effects of the changes must be thoroughly examined and planned.

What is change management plan includes?

Change control procedures (how and who).

For example, who can initiate a change request, who should analyze the impact, who should review the impacts, and so on are all defined as procedures in the change management plan,

Approval levels for authorizing changes.

Change request are approved be change control board but there might be different levels to pass authorized change. For example, the engineers in change control can analysis and give the 1st approval then senior management reviews the impacts and give the 2nd approval for the change. And if the change pass the 1st and 2nd approval levels, it might be forward to the sponsor to give the final approval. These kinds of level for authorizing the change must be documented in the change management plan.

Creation of a change control board(CCB) to approve changes.

A change control board is made up of people who will review the effects and potential implementation alternatives of a change. A change in a project can only be implemented if it is approved by the change control board.

A plan of how changes will be managed and controlled.

A plan of how changes will be managed and controlled are detailed in change control plan as well.

Who should attend meeting regarding changes.

The change management plan specifies who should attend meetings about changes. For example, during the change impact analysis meeting, the project manager, technical leader, and architect must all present. The sponsor, the engineer who made the change assessment, the project manager, and the senior manager must all be present during the change final decision meeting, among other people who must attend to what is specified in the change management plan.

Organizational tools to use to track and control changes.

Many companies used tools to track control changes. For example, the HP PPM tool is used to track requests within a company. It displays request details, the initiator, the history of a change, approval levels and who is approved, and so on. If a company has different types of tools, it should be stated in the change management plan.

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