Method statement for Thermal
Soffit Insulation
This method statement is to
describe the method of works
to be followed to carry out all soffit insulation works in compliance with contract documents, approved HSE & QA/QC procedures
and approved materials to the satisfaction of the Consultant in line with Contract Specifications.
- Hand Saw.
- Electric drill Machine.
- Rubber Hammer.
- Chalk Line.
- Hand Tools
- Approved Insulation Board – Kooltherm K10 insulation board (2400*1200*30mm)
- Approved Insulation fastener EJOT METAL INSULATION SUPPORT ANCHOR DM-90 mm.
The insulation board must be
carefully unloaded from the
containers manually.
Delivery, handling
and storage of insulation boards will be carried
out so as to prevent damage and/or contamination by other materials. Main Contractor is responsible to provide a dedicated covered
storage meeting manufacturer’s recommendation at site
preferably close to the
site work location.
The insulation board must
be stored in a covered storage area on
proper dry surface preferably inside the building, away from moisture and rain. While stacking ensure there is proper clearance
from the ground. The material
must be covered properly using polythene sheet if there is chance
of any splash from rain or other means. Insulation material will be stored away from heat emitting devices.
Schedules of deliveries shall be prepared in accordance with Project’s program of works and will be monitored in order to avoid any
delay of the works.
Only approved materials in size and types shall
be procured and delivered to site from the approved suppliers and as per approved Material Submittal.
Inspections of materials shall be carried
out upon delivery
by the Engineer on the basis of MIR established and followed at site.
- Introduction.
This method statement describes on how to provide the controlled sequences of work methodology and safety precautions that will be used to execute the installation of Kooltherm K10 Thermal Insulation.
- Mockup Sampling.
As a first step prior to the commencement of work a mock-up shall be first constructed
on a suitable location chosen by the Consultant/ Contractor to verify the process,
techniques, workmanship and quality of the works which will form as a bench mark
for the entire scope of work for the project.
- Surface Preparation.
- MEP clearance should be obtained prior to start installation.
- Main Contractor to ensure that the soffit substrate should be clean from existing residues like dust, dirt, mortar, loose concrete, honeycombs, tie rods & wires or any other residues like grease or oil.
- Existing efflorescence should be brushed and swept.
- Main Contractor to ensure that the substrate is be free from loose areas, significant cracks or gaps and spalling plaster.
- Any moss, algae and fungi formation should be removed by main contractor.
- If the substrate is damped it is allowed to dry prior to the commencement of the work.
- The alignment and flatness of each soffit slab shall be checked prior to fixing the insulation boards and any deviation will be brought to the notice of the Main contractor to carry out necessary rectification to receive the insulation without hindrance.
- Beams will also be checked prior to the installation and any deviation should be repaired before fixing board.
- The alignment and flatness of each soffit slab shall be checked prior to fixing the insulation boards
- Beams must be repaired before fixing board.
- Fixing of Insulation Board.
- The boards will be marked for anchors location upon approved locations in drawings and as built.
- 11 number of Mechanical Fixing (Ejot) to be fixed on each Board.
- The anchors will be fixed in slabs for the depth of 40mm.
- The anchors are fixed to board upon recommended fixing pattern.
- Other activities can be started on board after 24 hours of installation.
- Fixings at board edges must be located > 50mm and < 150mm from edges and corners of the board and not overlap board joints
- For MEP (Pipes, Supports) locations boards are fixed as a cut pieces and mechanical fasteners will used accordingly.
- Monthly site inspection will be done by manufactures technical representative to ensure the works at intervals during installation.
- Fastener Fixing Pattern.
Using 11 fixings ensures that the insulation board has a strong and permanent fix under the concrete soffit and that it is not compromised by any of the above issues. It also provides a proven robust fire safe solution.
- If some damages occur to the insulated area repair must be done.
- Small surface damage will be repaired by taping the area
- If some major damage occurs on the board, then the damaged board will be removed in rectangular shape covering the extent of damage and new small board will be fixed with additional mechanical fixture.