What the differences between corrective action, preventive action & defect repair.
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What the differences between corrective action, preventive action & defect repair.

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What the differences between corrective action, preventive action & defect repair.

What the differences between corrective action, preventive action & defect repair. 

In the project management world, you'll hear terms like corrective action, preventative action, and defect correction all the time.

Corrective Action.

Corrective action is an activity that realigns the performance of the project work with the project management plan . no matter how project plan is prefect, you will have vacancies in project execution. Actual results will be different from the plan value and to meet project objectives such as project budget and schedule you need to take action accordingly otherwise you cannot meet the objectives.  
Assume you are in charge of a smartphone project, and your performance monitoring and control statistics show that the project is 10% behind schedule. To meet the project objectives, the project must be completed on schedule if there are no additional customer requirements or if there is no approved change request. To fulfill the agreed-upon timeline, there is only one route forward: future project tasks must be done faster than expected in order to complete the project on time. To accomplish this, you can request additional project resources to be assigned to future activities in order to finish the remaining scope in less time.

Preventive Action.

Preventive action is an activity that ensure the future performance of the project work is aligned with the project management plan. The differences between corrective action and preventive action is corrective actions are taken based on happened / actual results while preventive actions are taken for future anticipated risks. 

Consider that one of the senior project team members may retire in two months, and if he does, there will be no one to hand over his duty, and hiring a new engineer to hand over his task will take time, which will affect the project schedule. As you can see, this is a risk that has not occurred, but there must be a response strategy in place to meet the impact of this risk if it occurs. 

Defect Repair.

Defect repair is an activity to modify a nonconforming product or product component. Once a product or deliverables are completed, it must be checked that whatever it is meets the requirements. If there are problems with the product or deliverables, this problem must be fixed by the project team before handing it over to the customer. 

Consider the camera of the smart phone built in the project, which does not automatically activate the flash at night. If this was a need specified at the start, it must be corrected, which is known as defect repair. 

Approved change request in a project can be corrective action, preventive action, or defect repair because change requests are submitted if there is a new requirement in the project to correct variances, prevent the impact of any kind of risk and fixing defects. 

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  1. Very good definitions of these concepts, they helped me a lot in a job that I have to do and involves part of this topic.
