OSHA regulations for Stairways and ladders.
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Home OSHA regulations for Stairways and ladders.

OSHA regulations for Stairways and ladders.

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OSHA regulations for Stairways and ladders.


Every flight of stairs with or more risers should have standard railing or standard handrail.  Stair width is measured clear of all obstructions except handrails.

Stairway less than 44-88 inches wide should have:

  • Stairway less than inches wide should have:
  • Both sides enclosed  and should has one handrail at least, preferable on the right-side descending.
  • One open side at least one stair rail on the open side. If both side open, should have two stair rails, one for each side.

Stairway 44-88 inches wide should have:

  • One handrail on each enclosed side and one stair rail on each open side.

Stairway 88 inches or more should have:

  • One handrail on each enclosed side, one stair rail on each open side, and one intermediate stair rail in the middle of the stair.

Stair rail.

Shall be construction similar to  a standard railing. But the vertical height shall be not more than 34 inches nor less that 30 inches from the upper surface of the top rail to the surface of the tread in line with the face of the raiser at the forward edge of the tread. Winding stair should have handrail where the width is less than 6 inches.

Industrial stairs.

  • The below some requirement for fixed stair:
  • Strong enough to can carry 5 times the normal anticipated live load.
  • Carry safety moving concentrated load of 1000 pounds.
  • Have a minimum width of 22 inches.
  • Be installed at angles to the horizontal of between 30 and 50 degrees.
  • Vertical clearance above any stair tread to an overhead obstruction shall be at least 7 feet measures from the tread. 


OSHA not specified and landing numbers, but the National Safety Council recommended lands at every 10 or 12 tread. Intermediate landing or platform on stair ways shall be no less than the stair width and a minimum of 30 inches in length measure in the direction of tread. 


Ladder system type.

Fixed ladder system:

Ladder fix or attached to structure , building ,or equipment( must be caged if over 20 feet vertical)


A ladder that can support its own weight(step ladder)


A ladder that is not capable of standing without the support of another object (extension ladder)

Ladder types.

Straight ladder: maximum length is 30 ft.

Step ladder:

Are common in high use areas and may be disturbed by passers-by. the maximum length is 30 ft.

Extension ladder:

Typically utilized for above ground access and high reach areas. Extension to 36 inches above the support point. The maximum length is 60 ft.

Sectional ladder: combined length of sectional not longer than specified.

Trestle ladder: maximum length is 30 ft.

Trolley ladder: maximum length is 20 ft.

Side rolling ladder: maximum length is 20 ft.

Mason’s ladder: maximum length is 40 ft. 

Load rating.

Portable ladder must be able to support 4 times the maximum intended load or in some exception 3.5 times.

Fixed ladder must be able to support a least 2 loads of 250 pound each. 

Instruction during using ladders.

  • Avoid using ladder in strong winds or inclement weather
  • Face the ladder
  • 3-point climb- use at least one hand all times.
  • Do not climb higher than the third rungs from the top on a straight ladder.
  • Do not climb higher than the 2nd rungs from the top on a step ladder.
  • Use a tool belt to carry small tools.
  • Avoiding handling any tools.
  • Used a hand line to raise or lower heavy tools.

Ladders hazards.

  • Using ladder not tall enough to do the job
  • Using ladder with a weight rating that is too low
  • Using ladder with missing or broken part.
  • Using metal ladder near energized electrical equipment.
  • Using ladder as a working platform.
  • Objects falling from ladders.


  • Always inspect ladder prior to use, periodically, as per manufacture recommendation.
  • The items should check for portable ladder before use:
  • Checking spreaders for fall extension.
  • Check the joint between steps and side rails for tightness.
  • Checking rungs for presence of grease or oil.
  • Items should check before use fix ladders:
  • Loose or missing cleats.
  • Damaged or corroded parts of cage.
  • Loose or broken anchoring
  • Damage to fixed rungs on brick or concrete walls.
  • The area around the top and bottom of ladders is kept clear.

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