Procedures for the kickoff meeting and approval of the project management plan.
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Home Procedures for the kickoff meeting and approval of the project management plan.

Procedures for the kickoff meeting and approval of the project management plan.

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Procedures for the kickoff meeting and approval of the project management plan.

Before starting to execute, the project management plan must acquire official clearance from stakeholders after it has been developed. Because stakeholders, particularly internal stakeholders, will carry out or support project activities, this is a crucial stage of the project. When it comes time to seek their support for the project, if the project management plan is not authorized by them, they might not play their part since they will not agree with the plan.

Project management plan must receive a formal approval by :

  • Management
  • Sponsor
  • Project team
  • Other stakeholders

Not that, these approvals must be acquire formally from the stakeholders. This can be a signature on the project management plan, written approval through email, or approval through a software tool used by the company.

What is a kick-off meeting?

Kick-off meeting is meeting all parties just before project execution starts.

The project management plan will then begin to be executed during the executing phase once it has been completed and approved by all stakeholders. To do this, the project manager will plan a project kick-off meeting and invite the client, seller, project team, sponsor, and other project stakeholders.

Generally, kick-off meeting have the highest numbers of project participants than the other meeting in the project.

Higher level project information is presented at the kick-off meeting. Project milestones are stated, along with the project's objectives and major outputs that will be produced throughout.

Making sure everyone is on the same page is the major goal of the kick-off meeting. Because of the fact that the approved management plan will be put into action to accomplish the project ’s objectives, everyone involved in the process should be aware of these objectives and how the project team will work to achieve them.

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