Method Statement for Field Smoke Test of Curtain Wall Service Penetrations
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Home Method Statement for Field Smoke Test of Curtain Wall Service Penetrations

Method Statement for Field Smoke Test of Curtain Wall Service Penetrations

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Method Statement for Field Smoke Test of Curtain Wall Service Penetrations.

  - Introduction.

The goal is to assure there is no air leakage (and no humidity) passing through the curtain wall system via serviced  penetrations once the system is completed and closed off.  

The testing unit consists of a calibrated fan that is sealed onto the unit entrance as well as handheld smoke  generator device. 

The fan creates a continuous flow of pressure into the unit and smoke will be applied from inside the room on to  the penetration’s specimen pre-selected by consultant.   

In the following sections detailed explanation related to site preparation, testing, equipment, and post  analysis/report of the test along with other relevant information will be presented.

- Field smoke testing method.

The testing procedure herein described is to assure quality performance of applied sealant is resulted from  combination of fan pressurization and smoke test.  

On the proposed test date, laboratory will conduct a final survey of the selected rooms to verify that there are no  unintended openings in the building envelope and that site conditions are arranged so as to facilitate air movement  as much as possible.  

Connect the air-moving equipment to the building envelope using a window, door, or vent opening. Ensure that  the joints between the equipment and the building are sealed to eliminate any leakage.  

RETROTEC 3000R Series fans for this building test. The fans are mounted in pre-fitted aluminum frames with a  plywood blanking panel located utilizing the front entrance door of the room.  

The fan contains an integral flow measuring device with a built in calibrated micro manometer which measured  the pressure differential between the test internal building envelope and the exterior.  

Each room unit will be both pressurization and de-pressurization.  

During pressurization the room will be positively pressurized with air and smoke generator will be applied from  interior on the service penetrations to observe any leakage at room exterior.  

During de-pressurization, air ex-filtration (air movement from interior into exterior) will create a negative pressure  difference while the smoke generator will be applied to the samara area from outside of the room. During de- pressurization any possible leakages will be observed from interior of the room.  

Selected service penetrations shall be inspected during pressurization (and de-pressurization).  

Test should run for 7-10 minutes (once positive and once negative) until the parameter is achieved. 

Should the results of the test prove within the parameter then the test will be deemed passed.  

Should the result show any smoke leakage through the selected service penetrations the test deemed as failure.  

Photography of the proof of any leakage will be recorded in the report. 

- Important Notes During Air Tightness Testing. 

Laboratory would require onsite a competent and qualified person (or persons) familiar with the building that can  also provide the necessary access to required areas of the building.  This person would also be responsible for  advising on any health and safety requirements while on site. Laboratory will provide competent testing  supervision at all times.  

Laboratory proposes to use smoke (vapor) path analysis to further study and spot check typical air leaks if they  are revealed by the fan pressurization test. If fire suppression systems are in place at the time of the test, this  process may require the temporary shutdown of building and /or unit smoke detection systems in selected areas.  Fire detection systems shutdowns will be conducted and supervised by qualified building personnel who will also  inform the relevant authorities as required. Laboratory cannot undertake any responsibility if emergency service  or other authorities attend during the test. 

- Data analysis & reports.

The survey report will provide the attested test results for Field Smoke Test of each room and will be  supplemented with photographic images as required. The report will be submitted in PDF digital form.  

- Test apparatus & instrumentation.

The following is a general description of the required apparatus. Any arrangement of equipment using the  same principles and capable of performing the test procedure within the allowable tolerances shall be permitted. 

Air-Moving Equipment—Fan, blower, HVAC air movement component or blower door assembly that is  capable of moving air into and out of the conditioned space at required flow rates ( at both positive and negative pressurization) under a range of test pressure differences. The system shall provide constant airflow at each incremental pressure difference at fixed pressure for the period required to obtain readings of airflow rate. It is anticipated that RETROTEC 3000R Series fans for the test. Site provided 220 V electrical power sources will be required within 10 meters of proposed test fan locations.

Pressure-Measuring Device—Manometer or pressure indicator to measure pressure difference with an Instrument capable of measuring pressure differences with an accuracy of ± 2 Pa.

Airflow Measuring System—Device to measure airflow with an accuracy of ± 7 % of the measured flow. The airflow measuring system shall be recently calibrated.

Handheld Smoke Tracer Machine – handheld smoke generator which operates via boiling and pumping  special made fluid which is safe with no respiratory side effects. The smoke color is off-white to be visible  easily at any location being applied to.  

Power requirement : 400 watts.

Voltage : 12 volt.

Heat up time : 1 second.

Fluid tank capacity : 250 ml.

Fluid consumption : 10ml/minute at continuous output.

Fog time with battery : 10ml/minute at continuous output or 150 x 5 sec burst.

Control : Start button 0-10v analog.

Temperature control : Micro- pressor.

Dimensions(L * W * H) : 22.3 *10.0 * 21.0 cm.

Weight includes of battery : 5.6 kg.



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