Risk Assessment Template for Combo Roof Waterproofing Work.
To prevent injuries
to employees and / or property damage incidents.
Do pre-use inspection of all equipment to
be used and replace or repair faulty items.
Use trained competent employees only.
Use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment i.e.
Safety boots.
High visibility vest
Hand gloves
Eye protection.
Ear protection
Hearing protection
3. Prior to work commencement.
Must have PPE – safety footwear, gloves, hardhat, goggles, foul
weather clothing etc.
Must have appropriate tools and equipment in good condition.
Must have weatherproof covers for materials and equipment, waste
containers, warning tape.
Consider risks and hazards in work area. Refer any concerns to
supervisor. Are relevant permits in place?
Check if it is necessary to secure area adjacent to work. Refer to
supervisor if appropriate.
Arrange for transport of materials and equipment to site via
Ensure materials and equipment are secure or removed when site
unattended, e.g. overnight or during breaks.
4. Hazards.
Manual handling of
materials and equipment – LITE to be considered at all times.
Slips and trips from
untidy work area.
Falling of materials.
Collapse of existing structures, e.g. scaffolding, working platform.
Hazards associated with
heavy vehicles
Hazards associated with
Electrical power tools and Hand tools
Contact with sharp edges
of materials.
Contact with chemicals.
Consideration of weather
and ground conditions must be made. If in doubt refer to supervisor.
Environmental damage.
Fire hazard.
Electrical hazard.
Working at heights.
5. Harm.
Minor/major cuts and contusions, loss of limbs, fractures, concussion, to fatality,
environmental damage.
6. Persons in danger.
ordinary labors, mechanical equipment operators and supervisory staff.
7. Control measures.
Provide toolbox talks and training
to the workforce prior commencing the activity
Proper supervision much required
Provide safe working platform or
safe standard scaffolding.
Enforce to assign competent
operatives for work
Use full body harness while working
at heights.
Lifting procedure must be followed.
Ensure competent operators to
operate the power tools.
Materials to be protected from
Must be provided adequate PPE as
per given task
Ensured that all equipment’s are
certified prior to start operation
Ensured that all heavy mechanical
operators are competent
Proper lifting procedure must be
Shutter works carpenters to always ensure firm footing when handling or
placing shutters.
Enforce COSHH control of hazardous
chemicals to be followed
Clean spillages immediately.
Heavy gauge plastic to be provided in case of leaks and spill kit to be within the
project for accidental spills
Implement proper housekeeping
Dispose the waste in the designated
Task Briefing Training should be
conducted before starting work.