What is post-production activities? ISO 9001:2015
Post protection activities can influence on the conformity
of product and service to be deliver and the customer satisfaction. Those activities
can have a great impact on customer satisfaction and that is why is important
to define and execute them in best way possible.
The organization must preserve the outputs during production
and service provision to ensure that they conform to the requirements. For example,
some products require certain temperature conditions during storage and those
conditions must be provided to the product.
After production, the organization must determine the
post-delivery activities and following must be considered:
1- Statutory and regulatory requirements.
Is there legislation that prescribes post-delivery
activities. For example, in some cases producers would destroy product that is
no longer use.
2- Potential undesired consequences associated with the product or service.
For example, some products must have the information about
recommender daily intake.
3- Nature, use and intended lifetime of products and services.
For example, what the product expiration date.
4- Customer requirements and feedback.
For example, the customer may require linger warranty
Once the product is producing and post. Deliver activities
is defined, the product needs to be verified to demonstrate that it meets
product requirements.
For example, prior to delivery there will be an inspection
on sample of the product to determine it is meet the requirements. If products
does not meet the requirements, it cannot deliver to customer.
The exclusion to this rule can be made if the relevant
authority approve the release or in some cases the approval can be obtained by
customer himself.
The documents required prior to the release of products and
services can include evidence of conformity to acceptance criteria. For example,
laboratory results or report from internal inspection and traceability to
person authorizing the release. Meaning that the relevant rule in the company
must sign the release document for the product or service.