Soil Report
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Soil Report

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Soil Report

what is soil report?

what is soil report contents?

When a geotechnical investigation is required (see section 1803.2 of the IBC 2015), section 1803.6 of the 2015 IBC states what information (where applicable) shall be included in the soils report (sometimes called geotechnical report). This information includes the following:

- A plot limit showing the location of the soil investigations.

- A complete record of the soil profile.

- A record of the soil profile.

- Elevation of the water table.

- Recommendations for foundation type and design criteria, including but not limit      to bearing capacity of natural or compacted soil, provision to mitigate the effects      of expansive soil, mitigation of the effects of liquefaction, differential settlement        and varying soil strength, and the effects of adjacent loads.

- Expected total and different settlement.

- Deep foundation information in accordance with Section 1803.5.5 IBC 2015.

- Special design and construction provision for foundations of structures founded       on expansive soil.

- Compacted fill material properties and testing in accordance with Section 1803.5.8 IBC 2015.

- Controlled low strength material properties and testing in accordance with                section 1803.5.9.

Further, the soil report should also include (where applicable) the following:

- Identification of the client.

- Authorization to do the work and issues to be investigated.

- Description of what investigation and tests were done.

- Results of field and laboratory investigations including the test data, boring logs,      and boring location plan.

- Discussion of the general site conditions including topography geology, and soil      conditions.

- Discussion regarding constructability at the site.

- Discussion regarding quality control of earthwork and foundation construction.

- Analysis, such as estimates of shrink/ swell.

In next articles we will show and describes all this information. 

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