The differences between management and leadership.
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The differences between management and leadership.

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The differences between management and leadership.

The below table is brief summary of what difference of management and leadership,

Management use positional power. For example, employee report to his manager and employee must do what his manager directs. However, leader guide and influence using relational power. He tried to effect people with attitude, behavior and charisma and make people to respect his tasks and directions.

Managers maintain the current situation while leader develop and improved constantly.

Managers administrate the activities while leader is innovating.

Managers focus on systems and structure because they use them to complete the activities there are responsible for. Leader focus on relationship with people.

Managers rely on control while leader inspire trust. Leader trust that person is already doing best on a work or activity.

Managers focus on near-term goals because they have targets, KPIs and objectives to reach. Leader focus on long-term vision, leader foresight the future and act accordingly.

Managers ask how and when because they more related to manage basic activities, leaders ask what and why because leaders deal with a strategy and where business is going.

Managers focus on bottom line while leaders focus on the horizon.

Managers accept status quo while leaders challenge status quo.

Manager do things right while leaders do the right things. Managers know what they should do, and they do thing right. However, leader must have defined what they should do first and they should do it right.

Manager deal with daily or short-term goals. thus, they focus on operational issues and problem solving. Leaders deal with the future and long-term. Therefore, they focus vision, alignment, motivation, and inspiration.

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