Project Manager Competencies.
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Project Manager Competencies.

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Project Manager Competencies.

Project managers may be used different leadership styles when they manage the project team. Organization structure, nature of the project or other factors may affect the project manager about which leadership to use.

In some cases, project manager may used different leadership styles at same time as well. Now we will see the common leadership styles:

- Laissez-faire.

This also refer as hands-off style. In this leadership style team is allowed to make own decisions.

- Transactional.

Transactional leadership focus on goals, feedback and, accomplishment to determine the rewards. People are evaluated and rewarded based on the goals achieved.

-Servant leader.

Servant leadership focuses on people soft development.

- Transformational.

Transformational leadership empowers follower to idealize attributes them behaviors.

- Charismatic.

Charismatic leadership is about inspiring other people by solve confidants and high energy.

- Interactional.

Interactional leadership is combination of transactional, transformational, and charismatic leadership.

- Personality.

Personality is important factor when managing a project. Each person has a different personality and requires a different approach to manage a properly.

Project manager must be aware of different personalities within his project team. We will list different types of personalities may be face in projects:

  • Authentic
  • Managerial
  • Courteous
  • Political
  • Creative
  • Service-oriented
  • Cultural
  • Social
  • Emotional
  • Systematic
  • Intellectual

The project manager have two duties when manage the project:

1- working with project sponsors and understanding their objectives and alignment project objectives accordingly.

2- Guiding the project team to do what is required to complete the project successfully.

Project resources will be performed and assign activities throughout the project, project manager will manage and control the project work. Finally, the project will reach to his objectives if things go well.

These two duties the project manager are achieve through the integration of processes knowledge and people.

Integration happen in three different levels:

1- Performing integration in process level.

Several project management processes belong to project management knowledge areas, some from these processes occur once while the other processes will overlap and occur several times throughout the project.

For example, control scope or perform integrate change control processes will occur if there will be change request in the project. Successful project manager can be ensuring only if this integration process level is done successfully.

2- Integration at cognitive level.

There are several different methods to manage the project. Depending on many factors including size of the project, complexity of the project, culture of the organization, etc. project manager choose on method, regardless of manage chosen, project manager try to apply the project management practices as per his expertise technical, strategic and leadership skills. It will be the project manager ability to integrate the processes in knowledge areas that make possible to achieve the desire project results.

3- Integration in context level.

Emerging new technology such social networks, virtual team, new values, etc. brought a new aspect to consider when manage the projects. This made knowledge and people integration inevitable especially in large organization. Project manager must be aware of implication of this context, communication planning and knowledge management in order to manage the project successfully.

- Integration and complexity.

Complexity of project come from three dimensions:

1- System behavior.

System behavior reflects the interdependence of components and systems.

2- Human behavior.

Human behavior is about the communication between diverse project team members.

3- Ambiguity.

Ambiguity is about the uncertain issues in the project.

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