Plate Load Test Method and Procedure.
- Equipment / Accessories.
- 455 mm diameter steel plate
- 50T capacity hydraulic jack with digital pressure gauge.
- Dial Gauge for settlement recording (25 mm x 0.01mm)
- Reference bar
- Reaction Load
- Test Personnel.
A well-trained technician experienced in the relevant field assisted by helpers.
- Test Location.
Representative and agreed between all interested parties in the project.
- Test Procedure.
Arrange the reaction load at the test location in such a manner that when the base plate is placed. Here a Wheel loader (approx.30T) can be used and the whole load of the vehicle can use for the test including the load of wheel.
Level the area under the reaction load, where the test has to be performed, using the bearing plate.
Check the level using a spirit level.
All the equipment’s / accessories relevant to the test such as load cell, dial gauges, hydraulic jack assembly, reference bar, etc. are assembled and placed firmly on the test location. And should keep the copy of calibration certificates.
Seating force shall be applied to provide proper base for testing.
Subsequently load increment shall be applied which is generally 1/5 of the total load.
At each increment dial gauge deflections are observed and recorded for a period of 15 minutes at fixed intervals (30seconds, 1min, 2mins, 4mins, 8mins and 15mins).
At the end of the test pressure shall be released in three equal decrements and rebound deflection is observed at each interval for 15mins
- Continuous listing of load and settlement data
- Load vs. Settlement graph.
- Settlement at maximum applied stress
- Settlement (25mm maximum) at required load (200 kPa) estimated bearing capacity of soil.