Free PMP Course- Project Management Processes
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Free PMP Course- Project Management Processes

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Free PMP Course- Project Management Processes

- What is project management processes.

Project management processes define what to do when in a project. There are several activities from initiating to closure of a project and each activity has a sequential order as well.
For example, can you purchase a tool will be use in a project before initiating a project? Or can you assign resources for a project before completed a project plan? If course no. therefore, activities will be done, steps will be completed are defined in organized and structure manner with a help of project management processes.

Project management processes do not define only what to do when in a project. They also define what you need to do to manage the project. So, these processes also define what will be the inputs and outputs to complete an activity.
For example, determinant project budget process will help project manager to understand what he needs to complete a budget estimation of a project.

- The sequential process for managing projects.

- Initiating (start).

At this stage necessary business case to start a project is checked and sponsor of project will initiate the project start and project manager will be assigned to manage and coordinate the project activities.

- Planning (plan).

At this stage end to end project planning is completed. This plan include cost management, scheduling, quality management, resources management, etc.

- Execution (Do).

This is the stage for actual project output is delivered. Project deliverables are produced and delivered to the customer at this stage.

- Monitoring & controlling (check & act).

This stage actually interact with other stages. Because the main purpose of this stage is checking whether the project progressing is planned, if there are any divisions from the plans targets or matrix regard correction and corrective actions need to taken, respectively.

- Closing (end).

At this stage project activities are finalized, paperwork to complete a project is finished, lessons earned documentation is finalized and archived in organizational processes assets of the company.

The below figure is illustrated interaction of project management process groups with each other.

As you see, enter phase is the start of a project. Once a project starts initiating process are triggered. These processes will help to initiating project successfully.

Then planning processes will take place and project planning will be done. Once the planning finishes, project executions starts. During project execution deliverable of the project are produce and delivered to the customer.

As you see in the figure planning processes and executing processes are in a loop because based on actual outputs and actual results of a project, re-planning or re-adjustment might be needed to reach to project objectives.

For example, if the project is exceeding the budget that was planned in beginning, corrective actions and re-planning must be done to correct these divisions.
The last step is closing processes which will help to complete the project. 

Monitoring and controlling processes are covered the processes of other four processes group as you see because monitoring and controlling is done from initiating to the end of the project. In order to complete the project successfully. Project progress, matrix and measurement must be considered whether everything happening as planned in the beginning. 

The below figure show the level of processes interaction over time in a project or in a phase of a large project.

As you see, initiating processes group are active at very beginning of a project and these levels is lower comparing to other processes groups. Once level of initiating process group starts to decline, level of planning process group activities starts to increase. And executing process group follow the planning process group and reach to highest level of interaction among all processes groups.
And the last process group which is towards to end of the project or phase is closing process group. Monitoring and controlling process group has longest duration in term of process interaction in a project or phase. As mentioned, the main reason of this is monitoring and controlling process check all other processes groups.

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