Static Load Pile Test Method Statement Template.
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Static Load Pile Test Method Statement Template. 

In previous articles we explain High Strain Dynamic Pile Test Method Statement, Mechanical Caliper Logging Test and Cross Hole Sonic logging Test. Now we will explain Static Load Pile Test Method Statement.


This test method covers the procedure for testing vertical pile to determine response of the pile to a static compressive load applied axially to the pile. Two principal types of test are used for compressive loading on piles. 

The first of these is the constant rate of penetration (CRP) test, in which the compressive force is progressively increased to cause the pile to penetrate the soil at a constant rate until failure occurs. 

The second type of test is the maintained load (ML) test in which the load is increased in stages to some multiples, say 1.5 times or twice the working load with the time- settlement curve  recorded at each stage of loading and unloading load. 

The ML test may also be taken to failure by progressively increasing the load in stages. This test method is applicable to all deep foundation units regardless of their size or method of installation.  


A loading test on a pile is made for the purpose of finding the settlement to be expected at the estimated working load, or some multiple thereof determining the ultimate bearing capacity, or checking the structural soundness of the pile. A relation between settlement and load for a pile may be obtained.   


 3.1 Data Logger.

The data from the strain gauges will be recorded by using a Data Logger model no. DT 
85, manufactured by “DATATAKER PTY. LTD. AUSTRALIA”.  

3.2 Displacement Transducers. 

The displacement transducers shall be connected to digitally measure the pile head 
movement during execution of static axial compression test.  

3.3 Load Cells. 

A load cell is a transducer that is used to convert a force into electrical signal.This 
conversion is indirect and happens in two stages. Through a mechanical arrangement, the 
force being sensed deforms a strain gauge. 

The strain gauge converts the deformation (strain) to electrical signals. A load cell usually consists of four strain gauges in a Wheatstone bridge configuration.The electrical signal output is typically in the order of a few millivolts. The output of the transducer is plugged into an algorithm to calculate the force applied to the transducer." The Load Cell shall be connected to the data logger to digitally record the applied load transfer to the pile head by hydraulic jack.   


4.1 General.   

Applicable project information shall be reviewed and recorded prior to test, including soil boring logs, pile installation records and concrete properties.  

4.2 Preparation of the Test Pile. 

Where feasible, the immediate area of the test pile shall be excavated to the proposed pile cut-off elevation. The pile head should be cut off or built up to necessary elevation and should be capped appropriately to produce a bearing surface perpendicular to the axis of the pile.  

4.3 Test Setup.

 4.3.1   Load Applied to Pile by Hydraulic Jack Acting against Anchored Crown             Reaction Frame.

 The reaction system for all compression test pile will be provided by the ground 
anchors tied back to the crown as shown in the sketch below  


Tie back anchors shall be installed for the static compression load test setup in order to provide reaction to the loading system. Loads on each anchor and its dimensioning are made as elaborated in the design.  

A powerful anchoring machine shall be used to install the tie back anchors; following sequence shall be adopted for the installation of the anchors.  

a. Install the anchor machine at approximately the same level of the anchor head.  Adjust the swing mast to the required inclination to meet the design/site requirements.  
Note: The anchoring machine mast can be rotated in all directions to accommodate the site requirements.  

b. Temporary steel casing shall be drilled through the soil with the help of its 
water flush system.  In order to prevent any escape of soil while drilling, the casing shall be provided with an end plug.  

Extreme care shall be taken to avoid any damage of underground structures while installing the anchor.  In case of existence of any obstructions such as pile foundations, the direction of the anchors can be shifted to any adjustable mast if anchoring machine or the position of the anchor itself can be relocated.   

After reaching the required anchor length, ready made anchor with grout pipe at the middle will be inserted into the casing. The temporary casing shall be withdrawn whilst filling the bore with primary cement grout. The grout will carry on until the grout has replaced the water in hole completely.


 5.1 Loading Schedule.

Unless failure occurs first, apply, and remove a total test load equal to the specified anticipated pile design load with adequate safety factor, applying the load in increments of 25% of the individual pile design load. 

Maintain each load  increment until the rate of settlement is not greater than 0.25 mm⁄h but not longer than 2 h. Provided that the test pile has not failed, remove the total test load any  time after 12 h if the butt settlement over a one hour period is not greater than 0.25 mm; otherwise allow the total load to remain on the pile for 24 h. 

After the required holding time, remove the test load in decrements of 25% of the total test load with 1 h between decrements. 


6.1 Standard Measuring Procedures.  

Take and record readings of time, load, and movement immediately before and after the application of each load increment and the removal of each load decrement. During loading, provided that the test pile has not failed, take additional readings, and record them at intervals not exceeding 10 min during the first ½ h and 20 min thereafter for each load increment. 

After the total load has  been applied, provided that the pile neither has nor failed, take readings and  record at intervals not exceeding 20 min during first 2 h, not exceeding 1 h for the  next 10 h, and not exceeding 2 h for the next 12 h. 

If pile failure occurs, take readings immediately before removing the first load decrement. During unloading, take readings and record at intervals not exceeding 20 min. Take a final rebound reading at 12 h after all load has been removed.         


  • Project identification/location.  
  • Identification (name and designation) of test pile(s). 
  • Working load and safety factor (or required ultimate capacity) of the pile(s). 
  • Type and dimensions of pile(s) including nominal or actual cross-sectional area, or both length and diameter (as a function of pile length for timber of composite piles). 
  • Description of all components of the apparatus for obtaining measurements  
  • Date tested.   
  • Date casted. 
  • Test pile identification. 
  • Graphical presentation of Time – Load – Settlement and Load – Settlement.  


Standard Test Method for Piles Under Static Axial Compressive Load - ASTM D1143   BS 8004: 1986. 

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