PMP prep exam free course - Introduction &the environment in which project operate - stakeholders
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PMP prep exam free course - Introduction &the environment in which project operate - stakeholders

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PMP prep exam free online course Introduction &the environment in which project operate - stakeholders  

We will complete Introduction & the environment in which project operate section. In the previous modules (Introduction & the environment in which project operate - part 1) and (PMP prep exam free online course -Introduction &the environment in which project operate - part 2) we took: 

1- Project. 
2- Operational Work.
3- Project Management.
4- Program.
5- Portfolio.
6- Project Management Office (PMO).
7- Objective.

8- Constraints

In this module we will take:
9- Stakeholders


Stakeholders are people whose interests may be positively or negatively impacted by the project.

So, anybody who can have benefit or who may be distracted by outcomes over project are classified as stockholder.

Stakeholders includes all members of the project team. Because as they direct contribute of the project they are directly affected from a project.

Identify stakeholders, understanding their relative degree of influence on a project, and balancing their demands, needs and expectations are critical to success of the project.
For example, let us consider a factory construction they expected to produce water and air population in a city. This will big resistance from residence of a city there might be even protest and action from the city management to stop the project.

Therefor, stakeholder management is very important and aspect in project management.
The below figure illustrate the project team, sponsor and other organization or people they can be stakeholders of a project. 

As you see project team is in a circle, the stakeholders in a project team are internal stakeholders and other stakeholders in a grey area are external stakeholders.

For example, portfolio manager, program manager, project management office, operation management, functional managers, sellers, business partners, customers and users are all external stakeholders of the project.

Sponsor is in intersection of internal and external of stakeholder area because sponsor is the spoke person of the project and support the project financially. Also, protect the project from the external risks.

- Project Governance

Project governance provides the project manager team with structure, processes, decision-making models, and tools for managing the project.

Briefly, project governance give all necessary thing to project manager to manage a project.
For example, how to control budget, how to control schedule, etc. or all to find in processes including in a project governance.

Project governance involves stakeholders, documented processes, standard, responsibilities and authorities.

Project governance as a whole package asset in reaching project success.

- Project Team.

Project manager and the group of individuals who perform the project work is call the project team.

Note that a contributor cannot considered as a project team member.

For example, the sponsor support the project financial but he is not a member of a project team actually in order to be considered in a project team, team member must be assigned to a project activity and perform the work effectively.    

Project manager is the leader of the team and his authority is over the project members because project manager is automatic accountable of a project success. Therefore, he should be able to direct project team members and to do this he should have the highest authority within the team.

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