Free Training Course - Quality Management System- Resources.
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Free Training Course - Quality Management System- Resources.

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Free Training Course -Foundations of Quality Management System (QMS) According to ISO 9001:2015 - Resources

The seven clauses from ISO 9001 defines requirements for availability of resources, competences, awareness, communication, and control of documented information.

Regarding resources, ISO 9001 requires companies to identify the resources for quality management system and to ensure available for everyday operation and continual improvement of quality management system.

Ensuring availability of resources does not apply only for financial resources, it is including allocated people for certain activities, dedicated time for operation control activities and so on.

- what is the importance for resources clause?

This clause is important because without the appropriate resources quality management system cannot be run and that is why provision of resources is prescribed as a management commitment by the standard.

For example, if the management define one of the quality objectives for the next year to be increase the awareness raising training by two hours per employee, they should assign this responsibility to someone. Usually that person will be quality manager or management representative for quality management system and ensure that all employees have two more hours for this training and ensure the quality manager should have enough time to conduct training for all employees or dedicate finances to hire consultant or trainer to conduct the training.

- Other types of resources.

- Organization knowledge.

Organization knowledge is one of resources and that can be maintain through up to date work, instructions, procedures, training, etc. But it does not have to be based on internal resources exclusively.

- Monitoring and measuring.

It is also part of resources, but it does not require to existing in every company. If companies use it, must calibrated, and verified it to ensure that it provide consistent result.

- Infrastructure.

Infrastructure for provision products and services also belong to resources and can include building, associated utilities, equipment hardware, software, transportation resources, information, and communication technology, etc. However, the standard does not define what kind of infrastructure is needed for provision products and services.

The standard does not require the resources to be documented. However, it is common to document the resources through the budget, human resources plan, quality objectives and plans for their achievement, management review minutes, etc.

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