Plaster method statement template.
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Plaster method statement template.

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        Plaster method statement template.                                 

The below is template for plaster method statement can be used to submit method statement to Engineer/consultant for approval.


Scope of Work
Personnel Responsibilities
Safety Arrangements
Project Specific Details

Scope of Works

The purpose of this Method of Statement for plaster application is to outline the materials and labor required to undertake the works in a safe and controlled manner, compiling with relevant legislation, standards, and codes of practice etc.
The method statement shall be briefed to all appropriate operatives to ensure that they are aware of the sequence of activities and any Client/Consultant project specific requirements.
A constant monitoring and supervision duty shall be undertaken by Contractor to ensure work activities are carried out in accordance with the method statement. Any irregularities shall be immediately action.
This method statement describes the working procedures for plaster application and all related activities. This will include surface preparation, application, testing and post application.


Prior to works commencing, the Site Engineer shall ensure that the following activities have been completed and signed-off by the Consultant:
Drawing must be approved for construction by the Consultant.
Materials Submittals (Plaster, Plaster Accessories) are approved by Consultant.
MEP conduits and accessories lay out and installations has been approved by Consultant
Method of statement was approved by consultant
The Site Engineer shall ensure that the necessary Statutory Authorities approvals have been received.


               Approved drawings for construction
               Contract specification 
               Approve project quality & safety plan
               Approved Material Submittal.
               Approved Method Statement

Plaster on Concrete Surface

Surface Preparation        

 Remove the dust, loose particle, oil, and grease from the surface to be plastered.
 Spray sufficient amount of clean water to neutralize the suction of the background.
 Allow free water to evaporate completely before the application of cement plaster.
 Fixing all embedded items such as pipes, electrical fitting, corner bead and other MEP services / plaster accessories must be carried out before plastering application begun.
The gap of conduit must be tightly packed with cement-sand mortar and cover with wire mesh to avoid cracks.
Points of the plaster mortar fixed to maintain straightness, adequate thickness, and level of the final plaster.

Plaster Application

Once the surface preparation to proceed with plaster application was approved, rush coat will be applied (refer to manufacturers recommendation of the approved rush coat material).
Rush coat must be cured properly for with clean water for 3 to 4 times a day for at least 2 days before application of plaster on it.
Plaster can be applied in single or double coat with average thickness of 18 to 20 mm on prepared surface using plastering machine.

Plaster on Block Surface

Surface Preparation        

Remove the dust, loose particle, oil, and grease from the surface to be plastered.
Spray sufficient amount of clean water to neutralize the suction of the background.
Allow free water to evaporate completely before the application of cement plaster.
Fixing all embedded items such as pipes, electrical fitting, corner bead and other MEP services / plaster accessories must be carried out before plastering application begun.
The gap of conduit must be tightly packed with cement-sand mortar and cover with wire mesh to avoid cracks.
Block wall and concrete wall connection must be fixed with wire mesh firmly across the joint to prevent cracks due to differential movement of the background, apply rush coat and cure it with water for at least 2 days.
Points of the plaster mortar fixed to maintain straightness, adequate thickness, and level of the final plaster. For about 1.5 meter horizontal & vertical interval is required.
Plaster Application

For plaster mixture – Ready mix plaster concrete if used refer to the manufacture’s recommendation. If mixing if mixing in site plaster mix deign will be based on the specification and to be approved by the consultant.
Once the surface preparation to proceed with plaster application was approved, rush coat will be applied (refer to manufacturers recommendation of the approved rush coat material).
Rush coat must be cured properly for with clean water for 3 to 4 times a day for at least 2 days before application of plaster on it.
For block walls only those connection with wire mesh are required to have rush coat before plaster application.
For plane block wall as background, plaster can apply directly without rush coat to thickness of 15 mm in one coat using plaster machine.

When the thickness of the plaster expected to exceed 20 mm, it must be applied in multiple coats with receding thickness. Each layer of the plaster must be fully cured, sufficiently hard and dry before going to the next layer of mortar on it. The base coat must be sufficiently roughened to get the mechanical key for the next layer of plaster. Final finishing of plaster must be done when it became thumb press hard. Finishing must be done with wooden / plastic float. It also ca be done by steel trowel but excessive troweling to achieve ultra-smooth finish and splashing of water during final finish must be avoid due to smooth finish plaster tend to crack.

Do not deviate more than plus or minus 6.4 mm in 3 m from true plane in the finished plaster surface, as measured by 3-meter straight edge.

Finishes flush with metal frame and other built in metal items and accessories that act as plaster ground unless otherwise indicated. Where casing bead does not terminate the plaster at the metal frame, cut base coat free from the metal frame before plaster sets and groove finish coat at junctures with metal.

For straight vertical joints of masonry background, a “V” groove cut must be made on plaster when it is still in wet condition. It should be formed in every 4-meter length of any anticipated movement should be accommodated by forming a straight joint right through the plaster in-line with the change of background. The resulting gap after drying should be filled with suitable joint sealant. For control joints detail refer to the approved drawing.

Plaster finishing surface will be depending on the architectural drawing. Wall finishing need to be known prior to start the plastering for wall surface. Most of the tile finished wall required rough surface and other final finishing requirement to be consider.

Plaster cracks, hollow sounds and uneven finishing required rectification. For the rectification, it is recommended to cut the surface in zig zag pattern to eliminate the future cracks possible to found between the old and new plaster.

Cuing shall be started 24 hours after finishing the plaster. Plaster shall be kept for the period of 4 days. During this period, it shall be protected to avoid any possible damages caused by other activity around it.

Storage of Materials

Storage must be a clean and dry area protected from direct sunlight and extreme heat and cold. Unopened container can be stored for 9 months. Use oldest material first.

Personnel Responsibilities

A full and detailed description of the roles and responsibilities of all contractor staff is included within the Project Quality Plan. For the works as covered by this method statement, the following personnel have specific duties.

Technical Officer Engineer

Specific responsibilities include:
Responsible for ensuring that the various submittals are timely undertaken (materials, method statements, workshop drawings, subcontractor’s issues, technical issues).
Responsible for quotations as required (materials, subcontractors).
Responsible for ensuring RFI’s are timely undertaken on behalf of contractor.
Responsible for the distribution of documents within contractor site personnel.

Site Engineer(s)

Specific responsibilities include:
Ensuring that the project is managed in a safe manner and meets the requirements of the project documentation.
Ensuring that subcontractors and suppliers achieve the on-site required standards.
Ensuring the Client is satisfied with our performance.
Ensuring performance measurable are delivered.
Shall refer to the QA/QC Department and the HSE Department for advice and guidance when required.
Shall ensure that operatives comply with the relevant method statements, Toolbox Talks and general site briefings.

HSE Site Representative(s)

Specific responsibilities include:
Assisting in the production of any health, safety, and environmental documents.
Monitoring the implementation of health, safety, and environmental requirements.
Undertaking audits and ensuring that corrective and preventive actions are taken where   required.
Liaison with the senior site staff on health, safety, and environmental related matters.

QA/QC Site Representative(s)

Specific responsibilities include:
Carrying out phased inspections as required.
Ensuring that completed works are offered for inspection/approval to external companies within specific dates/programmers.
Preparation of the ITP.
Ensuring that all required tests are performed and are in compliance with appropriate specifications etc.
Reviewing and ensuring that all shop drawings and material submittals are presented to the appropriate bodies with adequate supporting information.
Ensuring that materials are inspected when delivered to ensure they comply with the various
Maintaining a record of all QA/QC activities on site.
Controlling and ensuring all measuring and test equipment on site is properly calibrated.
Controlling all non-conforming products or workmanship and implementing the required preventive actions.
Ensuring that corrective and preventive actions are taken when required.
Ensuring that the required testing is undertaken by approved independent laboratories, and that all test results are reviewed.
 Undertake audits to ensure conformance to agreed Standards, Legislation, and project specific requirements.
Ensuring that staffs are aware of their responsibilities in respect of quality issues.
Assisting and reporting to the QA/QC Manager as required.


Specific responsibilities include:
To ensure that all operatives and appropriate subcontractors have been briefed as to the content of the method statement and the works.
To adequately control the works as required.
To ensure the works are undertaken in a safe manner.
To ensure all operatives are adequately training in their respective works.
 Reporting any un-safe practices on site to the site team.


Specific responsibilities include:
To undertake their works as specified.
To work in a safe manner.
To ensure all operatives are adequately training in their respective works.
 Report any un-safe practices on site to the contractor site team.

Safety Arrangements

The contractor Project Safety Plan shall be strictly enforced. All works shall be regularly monitored to ensure full compliance.

Contractor shall resource as appropriate the supervision of the works.

Permits - Where required, permits to work will be provided prior to commencement of works. Permits shall be issued by suitably trained and experienced HSE personnel only.

PPE - All required PPE shall be issued. Constant monitoring and supervision of the works shall always ensure that the appropriate PPE is worn by affected operatives.

Access and egress – Routine access and egress will always be provided for materials and operatives. Where emergency routes are required. These shall be determined and arranged, and instructions given prior to commencement of the works.

Contractor supervision shall ensure that all material deliveries are coordinated, and all vehicles are parked in a position where they present no additional risk to the public or people associated with this project. Where vehicles are offloaded from public areas, the activity shall be supervised, and a dedicated offloading/storage area shall be provided.

Plant - All plant associated with this activity shall be inspected prior to the works commencing and at regular periods during the works to ensure that all required certification is current and that the plant is maintained in a safe and suitably working manner.

Lighting – At all times, appropriate and suitable lighting shall be provided to ensure the works can be undertaken in a safe and competent manner.

Working at height – Where required, all appropriate measures shall be enforced to ensure that operatives are afforded a safe and proper platform from which to work. Materials will be stacked in a safe and secure manner.

Scaffolds shall be erected by competent operatives to an agreed design. Scaffolds shall be inspected before use and at regular periods thereafter.

Housekeeping – At all times, contractor supervision shall monitor the works to reduce as far as reasonably practical the storage of rubbish, waste materials and debris at the work face. All waste materials shall be removed from the workplace to a suitable area.


Contractor shall identify the needs for training and/or certification of personnel to ensure that suitable levels of proficiency are attained and maintained to meet the specified requirements of the project.

Contractor shall:
Determine the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting its quality.
Provide training or take other actions as to satisfy those needs.
Evaluate the effectiveness of action taken.
Ensure that its personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and how they contribute to the achievement of the product.

All records shall be maintained.

Prior to these works commencing, a review of the activities shall be undertaken in association with the operatives undertaking the duties. This will identify where additional training over, and above existing knowledge or experience is required.

This Method Statement shall be communicated to appropriate personnel connected with the undertaking of these works. This is essential to the safe and successful completion of the operation. The method statement shall be signed every time the operatives are briefed.

Project Specific Details

Project specification:
Project specific Shop Drawings:

Project specific Material Approvals:

Project specific Manpower Task(s)/ Operation(s)/ Process(s)

Permits required for these works:

Plant and equipment required for these works:

The list of machinery that will be used are as follow:
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