Block method statement template.
Scope of Work.
Personnel Responsibilities.
Safety Arrangements.
Project Specific Details.
Scope of Works.
The purpose of this Method of Statement for block work is to
outline the materials and labor required to undertake the works in a safe and
controlled manner, compiling with relevant legislation, standards, and codes of
practice etc.
The method statement shall be briefed to all appropriate
operatives to ensure that they are aware of the sequence of activities and any
Client/Consultant project specific requirements.
A constant monitoring and supervision duty shall be
undertaken by contractor to ensure work activities are carried out in
accordance with the method statement. Any irregularities shall be immediately
This method statement describes the working procedures for
block work and all related activities. This will include storage of materials,
mortar, block work layout, laying of blocks, and curing.
Prior to works commencing, the Site Engineer shall ensure
that the following activities have been completed and signed-off by the
Drawing must be approved for construction by the Consultant.
Materials Submitting (blocks, Block Accessories) are
approved by Consultant.
MEP conduits and accessories lay out and installations has
been approved by Consultant.
Method of statement was approved by consultant.
The Site
Engineer shall ensure that the necessary Statutory Authorities approvals have
been received.
drawings for construction.
project quality & safety plan.
Material Submitter.
Method Statement.
Delivery Storage & Handling.
Store delivered blocks on elevated platforms in dry
location. If blocks stored in not enclosed location, cover the top & side
with waterproof sheeting’s and securely tied. If block becomes wet, do not
install until they dry.
Store cement materials on elevated platforms, under cover and in dry location. Do not use
cement materials that have been damp.
aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained,
and contamination can be avoided.
Store block
accessories, including metal items must be stored properly to prevent
accumulation of dirt and oil.
Materials which have been cracked / damaged during delivery
or storage shall be removed from the site and to be replaced with acceptable
For ready-mix: refer
to the approved material submitter and manufacturer recommendation for
application details. The ready-mix materials shall be kept in proper storage to
protect it from moist.
Laying of Blocks.
Block work layout / setting out of wall must be check in
advance for accurate spacing of surface and bonding pattern with uniform joint
thickness and accurate location of openings, movement type joints return and
Avoid using less than half size unit of blocks as much as possible, particularly in the corners, jambs, and where possible locations.
If cutting is required to provide a continuous pattern or to fit adjoining construction joint, cut blocks with motor driven saw (hammer cutting not allowed) to provide clean, sharp, chipped edges.
Allow blocks to dry before laying unless wetting of blocks is specified. Install the cut block with cut surface and where possible cut edges to conceal.
Avoid using less than half size unit of blocks as much as possible, particularly in the corners, jambs, and where possible locations.
If cutting is required to provide a continuous pattern or to fit adjoining construction joint, cut blocks with motor driven saw (hammer cutting not allowed) to provide clean, sharp, chipped edges.
Allow blocks to dry before laying unless wetting of blocks is specified. Install the cut block with cut surface and where possible cut edges to conceal.
Concrete slab surfaces shall be clean and tidy prior to
the start pf block work activities. Concrete surface that will have direct
contact with the block wall must roughened accordingly.
The Site Engineer with the Foreman shall set the first
course of block work as per approved shop drawing.
Existing concrete surface where the block work is to
recommence shall be wet before work starts.
Block shall have the correct thickness of mortar and all
joint shall be pointed as work proceeds.
The first course will be laid in full. Blocks behind
distribution board and electrical panel boards shall be solid or filled with
After completion of the first course of block work.
Inspection request shall be raised for the QC Engineer / Consultant to check
and approved the works.
All block work shall be set out and built to the respective
dimensions, thicknesses and heights as shown in the approved drawings.
All walls and
partitions in the drawing without indication to the type of bloc to be used,
shall be submitted for RFI prior to approval of the consultant.
Block work
shall be built in maximum 6 course / layer in one day.
All block wall
shall be checked vertically and horizontally, and all joints will be inspected
for uniform thickness.
All block
walls shall be bonded to adjacent reinforced concrete structures by approved
galvanized steel ties at every third course to be fixed using nail gun.
Add wall ties
between block wall and slab or beam for every 1200 mm as per approved material
All block work
shall be provided with galvanized expanded mesh (as per approved material)
every 3 layers or as per approved detail.
material for expanded mesh must be added in every corner of block wall (T/L
section) including the chasing for MEP services. Refer to the approved detail.
Top course of block
walls and partitions that terminated at soffit of beams / slabs shall be built
with full size block (cut pieces in not advisable).
All blocks
around the openings must be solid (as per approved detail).
6 layers of
solid block must be used for toilet walls.
Restraint post
shall be provided at 6-meter intervals. Horizontal stiffener beams shall be
provided in the wall does not exceed 4-meter height.
QC Engineer /
Consultant to witness the depth of drilling holes prior to chemical application
for steel post anchoring.
lintel shall be used as per approved detail.
Fire resistant
product for fire stops shall be of appropriate type suitable for specific
application in specification (refer to the fire zone area in the approved
Block wall
shall be built so that the gap between the top of wall and soffit of beam /
slab is 10-mm minimum and shall be packed by backing rod (for fire rating zone
area indicated in approved drawing).
control joint materials (filler board) as block work is in progress. Do not
allow materials to cross in control joints without provision to allow partition
vertical and horizontal control joints as per the location mentioned in the
approved drawing.
All block
walls and partitions shall be cured by sprinkling water 3 times a day for a
period not less than 3 days after installation.
Construction Tolerances for Block Work.
Courses: Level
and true to line.
Faces, angles,
and features: should be in Plumb.
Position in
plan of any point in relation to the specified building reference line and/ or
point at the same level ± 10 mm.
in any 5 m length ± 5 mm.
Vertical up
to 3 m height ± 10 mm.
Vertical up
to 7 m height ± 14 mm.
thickness of walls ± 10 mm.
Level of bed
joints up to 5 m ± 13 mm.
Testing for Block Works.
Compressive strength
of blocks must be check as per the following limits, solid blocks must be not
less than 7 to 10 N/mm2 and hollow blocks must not be less than 5 to 7 N/mm2.
Random checking will be done.
Repairing, Pointing and Cleaning.
All block that are loose, chipped, broken and stained or
otherwise damaged shall be removed and replaced. This shall be installed in
fresh mortar grout and pointed to eliminate the evidence of replacement.
Pointing –
During the tooling joints, the voids, and holes shall be enlarged except for
the weep holes and shall be filled with mortar. All joints including corners,
openings, and adjacent construction shall be pointed to provide a neat and
uniform appearance. Where required, joints shall be prepared for the
application of sealant.
In progress
cleaning – clean the block wall masonry as work in progress by brushing to
remove mortar fins and smears prior to pointing the joints.
Final Cleaning
– any mortar is thoroughly set and cured; the masonry will be cleaned as
follow. Any large mortar particle will be removed by hand with wooden paddles,
non-metallic scrape, hoes, or chisels.
Protection –
do not uniform floor or roof load for at least 12 hours, concentrated load for
at least 3 days after building the block wall or column. Where required during
the construction, cover the top of walls, projection, or sills with waterproof
sheeting at the end of each day work.
Prepare and
issue and Inspection Request for Final Inspection.
Personnel Responsibilities.
A full and detailed description of the roles and
responsibilities of all contractor staff is included within the Project Quality Plan.
For the works as covered by this method statement, the following personnel have
specific duties.
Technical Officer Engineer.
Specific responsibilities include:
Responsible for
ensuring that the various submitting are timely undertaken (materials, method
statements, workshop drawings, subcontractor’s issues, technical issues).
for quotations as required (materials, subcontractors).
Responsible for
ensuring RFI’s are timely undertaken on behalf of contractor.
Responsible for
the distribution of documents within contractor site personnel.
Site Engineer(s).
Specific responsibilities include:
Ensuring that
the project is managed in a safe manner and meets the requirements of the
project documentation.
Ensuring that
subcontractors and suppliers achieve the on-site required standards.
Ensuring the
Client is satisfied with our performance.
performance measurable are delivered.
Shall refer to
the QA/QC Department and the HSE Department for advice and guidance when
Shall ensure
that operatives comply with the relevant method statements, Toolbox Talks and
general site briefings.
HSE Site Representative(s).
Specific responsibilities include:
Assisting in
the production of any health, safety, and environmental documents.
Monitoring the
implementation of health, safety, and environmental requirements.
audits and ensuring that corrective and preventive actions are taken where required.
Liaison with
the senior site staff on health, safety, and environmental related matters.
QA/QC Site Representative(s).
Specific responsibilities include:
Carrying out phased
inspections as required.
Ensuring that
completed works are offered for inspection/approval to external companies
within specific dates/programmers.
Preparation of
the ITP.
Ensuring that
all required tests are performed and follow appropriate specifications etc.
Reviewing and
ensuring that all shop drawings and material submitting are presented to the
appropriate bodies with adequate supporting information.
Ensuring that
materials are inspected when delivered to ensure they comply with the various
Maintaining a
record of all QA/QC activities on site.
and ensuring all measuring and test equipment on site is properly calibrated.
all non-conforming products or workmanship and implementing the required
preventive actions.
Ensuring that
corrective and preventive actions are taken when required.
Ensuring that
the required testing is undertaken by approved independent laboratories, and
that all test results are reviewed.
audits to ensure conformance to agreed Standards, Legislation, and project
specific requirements.
Ensuring that
staffs are aware of their responsibilities in respect of quality issues.
Assisting and
reporting to the QA/QC Manager as required.
Specific responsibilities include:
To ensure that
all operatives and appropriate subcontractors have been briefed as to the
content of the method statement and the works.
To adequately
control the works as required.
To ensure the
works are undertaken in a safe manner.
To ensure all
operatives are adequately training in their respective works.
Reporting any
UN-safe practices on site to the site team.
Specific responsibilities include:
To undertake
their works as specified.
To work in a
safe manner.
To ensure all
operatives are adequately training in their respective works.
Report any
UN-safe practices on site to the site team.
Safety Arrangements.
The Project Safety Plan shall be strictly enforced. All
works shall be regularly monitored to ensure full compliance.
Contractor shall resource as appropriate the supervision of
the works.
Permits - Where required, permits to work will be provided
prior to commencement of works. Permits shall be issued by suitably trained and
experienced HSE personnel only.
PPE - All required PPE shall be issued. Constant monitoring
and supervision of the works shall always ensure that the appropriate PPE is
worn by affected operatives.
Contractor supervision shall ensure that all material
deliveries are coordinated, and all vehicles are parked in a position where
they present no additional risk to the public or people associated with this
Where vehicles are offloaded from public areas, the activity shall be supervised, and a dedicated offloading/storage area shall be provided.
Where vehicles are offloaded from public areas, the activity shall be supervised, and a dedicated offloading/storage area shall be provided.
Plant - All plant associated with this activity shall be
inspected prior to the works commencing and at regular periods during the works
to ensure that all required certification is current and that the plant is
maintained in a safe and suitably working manner.
Lighting – At all times, appropriate and suitable lighting
shall be provided to ensure the works can be undertaken in a safe and competent
Working at height – Where required, all appropriate measures
shall be enforced to ensure that operatives are afforded a safe and proper
platform from which to work.
Materials will be stacked in a safe and secure manner.
Materials will be stacked in a safe and secure manner.
Scaffolds shall be erected by competent operatives to an
agreed design. Scaffolds shall be inspected before use and at regular periods
Housekeeping – At all times, contractor supervision shall
monitor the works to reduce as far as reasonably practical the storage of
rubbish, waste materials and debris at the work face. All waste materials shall
be removed from the workplace to a suitable area.
Contractor shall identify the needs for training and/or
certification of personnel to ensure that suitable levels of proficiency are
attained and maintained to meet the specified requirements of the project.
Contractor shall:
Determine the
necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting its quality.
Provide training or take other actions as to
satisfy those needs.
Evaluate the
effectiveness of action taken.
Ensure that
its personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and
how they contribute to the achievement of the product.
All records shall be maintained.
Prior to these works commencing, a review of the activities
shall be undertaken in association with the operatives undertaking the duties.
This will identify where additional training over, and above existing knowledge
or experience is required.
This Method Statement shall be communicated to appropriate
personnel connected with the undertaking of these works. This is essential to
the safe and successful completion of the operation. The method statement shall
be signed every time the operatives are briefed.
Project specification:
Project specific Shop Drawings:
Project specific Material Approvals:
Project specific Manpower Task(s)/ Operation(s)/ Process(s)
Permits required for these works:
Plant and equipment required for these works:
- end -
Read block work checklist.