Selecting the audit team.
The selection of the audit team is usually done by the
certification body and not the lead auditor. However, the lead auditor is
sometimes given this responsibility or is involved in the process.
As a lead auditor is useful to understand how the audit team
should be selected. Selecting the audit team can be done once the audit
objectives, scope, criteria, and methods have been agreed to.
For example, you may determine how many auditors need to be on
the team, what competencies the auditors will need to have and if any technical
specialists are needed.
Guidelines for selection and compensation of audit trams.
Auditor should be able to meet the competence requirement
criteria of ISO 17021.
The criteria for selection of auditors should be :
- An understanding of QMS standard.
- An understanding of industrial sector issues.
- Technical knowledge of the activities to be audited.
- Possession of the right personal requirements.
- Experience in management systems audit.
- Availability.
Composition of audit teams.
Each audit team should include a minimum of a lead auditor
(Team Leader); the team members should be familiar with Quality Management
System principles, applicable standards, supporting guidance documents and
possess auditing competence. As required evidence of planning experts with
specific knowledge regarding processes, will be included in the audit team to
assist the auditors, however they would not be authorized to audit the system
independently which is the responsibility of the auditors.
The Lead Auditor should ensure the competence and
availability of the auditors before formally designating the audit tasks and
should obtain the following:
- Authorization for the audit.
- Provisional scope and objectives.
- Quality System Documentation Information.
- Business focus and business process plan
- Specific Regulatory and Safety requirements
- Evaluation of competence of auditors, supporting experts and translators.
- Name of contact, Site, processes, and product details.
- Any other relevant available information.
The decision about auditor’s competencies should be consider
their knowledge and understanding of the auditee’s business operation, their
knowledge and understanding of the audit criteria that they will be auditing
against, and their competencies in conducting audits.
Audit team should demonstrate an up-to-date knowledge of the
Techniques to ensure compliance with customer requirements
including their practical application for that industrial sector.
Performing quality management system
industrial sector guidance or
Another important fact is their personal behavior, and they
should have the qualities necessary to allow them to conduct the audit
according to the auditing principles set out the module “ understanding
auditing standards.”
If you don’t know the auditors before the audit, is best to contact
them before the audit by meeting them or mobile them and you need to ask them
about their experiences, they are understanding of auditees business and they
knowledges skills as an auditor,. This will let you have a better idea about
what is the best use in joining an audit.
Lead auditor are sometimes under pressure to conduct an
audit with the team of auditors that are available regardless of their
competencies or abilities to understand the work. As a lead auditor is your
responsibility to make sure that you are comfortable with the team that has
been selected. If you feel this is not the case, you should reschedule the
audit to a time when properly competent auditors are available, even if this
means some business disruption.