What is direct and manage project work process?
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What is direct and manage project work process?

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What is direct and manage project work process?

After project management plan development, the executing phase of the project starts. Direct and manage project work processes of the integration management mainly deals with successively management and coordination of project management plan activities to complete the project as planned and to meet project objectives.

Direct and manage project work process is integration part of executing process group. There are lots of executing processes group activities and processes under each knowledge area.

Main propose of Direct and manage project work process is coordinate these activities and processes to produce project outputs as plan.

Direct and manage project work processes are involves managing people doing the work and implementing approved changes. Project management plan activities are performed during the execution phase, and this is ensured with the help of Direct and manage project work process mainly. And if there are variances in the actual results from the plan values, change request might be raised and if it is approved, these changes request are implemented with a help of direct and manage project work process.

Direct and manage project work processes also involves requesting changes and completing the work accompanying approved change requests. If there is a variance that need to be corrected or a defect, request change dine in this process. For example, let us consider that your actual results shows 15 % behind of a planned schedule and you will exceed the project budget by 40000 $ once you complete project. These variances must be corrected and a revised plan must be produced to accommodate these variances. Or let us consider that the scope of the project is development customer software for a customer and during acceptance test the customer find an issue that does not meet the requirements. If this requirement is not delivered properly, this is called a defect. These kinds of a correction for the project variances and defect repairs are implemented during direct and manage project work processes

Direct and manage project work processes inputs.

Project plan

Completion of project planning is a major input for starting direct and manage project work process because once a project plan if finalized, executing phase starts to implement the project activities planned in project planning and direct and manage project work process is triggered. This process triggered other executing processes of other knowledge areas to complete the project work successfully.

Approved changes, corrective actions, prevent actions, and defect repair.

Another inputs to start direct and manage project work process is approved changes, corrective action, prevent action, and defect repair. If a change is approved by the change control board, implementation of an approved change is executed by direct and manage project work process.

Corrective actions are taken for a variance that happened already, preventative action is taken for future risks to reduces their impacts, and defect repairs are done for the problems are identified during quality assurance for example in testing.

Outputs of direct and manage project work processes.

New change request.

While executing project work activities, customer might come with a new requirement, or an existing requirement might be changed. In this case a change request is submitted and evaluated by the change control board. If it is approved, it is implemented in direct and manage project work processes again.


The main purpose of direct and manage project work processes is producing the project planned deliverables and final product of the project.

Work performance information.

While the execution phase are progressing and deliverables are produced, actual results will not exactly  as plan. Some activities might take longer to complete, or some activities are completed earlier, some activities exceed the cost or other activities cost less money. These actual results and produced outputs are measured against the baselines with a determined matrix to check how the project is progressing.

Update to project management plan and project documents.

Based on actual results of the project, implemented corrective or preventive actions and defect repairs project plans might be required revisions because to meet the project objectives, future activities of the project must be revised based on results of the actual results and this required updates in project management plan and project documents respectively.

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