Method Statement Template of Glass Balustrade Installation.
The Purpose of this Method statement is to define the
typical sequence of works for the installation of Glass Balustrade
Installation. This Method Statement Provides the Control Sequence and
methodology that will be used for the installation and associated works.
Appropriate plant and equipment shall be used for the
execution of the activity. The plant, tools and
equipment shall be checked visually prior to use and where applicable
shall carry an up-to-date certificate.
All Operators shall be trained and certified by the 3rd
party where required.
No defective plant and equipment shall be allowed to use on
Personal Protective Equipment:
All operatives involved in the activity shall be provided
with Job Specific Personal Protective Equipment
which are and but not limited as mentioned below.
- Polycarbonate Safety Helmet
- Safety boots with steel toe
- Coverall with high visibility strips
- Hand Gloves
- Full body Harness
- Ear Plugs
- Eye protection / Goggles
- Steel brackets
- Anchor Bolts, nuts, and washers
- Glass
- SS Handrail
- Cement grout
Setting out / Site Survey:
Survey work will commence after the official release of
areas, Subcontractor being notified in
writing. This release must include the MAIN CONTRACTOR "AS
BUILT" survey showing the works are
within the contractual tolerance. Should major errors be discovered,
Subcontractor will not commence survey works in these areas until rectification
work has been completed.
A visual pre-installation check of the building area will
then commence to ensure that the area is
clean, clear, and safe. Providing the area is safe, Subcontractor will then
proceed to carry out the as-built survey
of all the elements interfacing with the Subcontractor curtain wall, to identify to MAIN CONTRACTOR, any items that
would prevent or otherwise impact upon the installation of our works.
Concurrently with this survey, subcontractor may carry out some of the setting out works for the installation
of the balustrade brackets.
These works, for each “area release” (extent of each “area release” as detailed within our program, extend from the external ground level, up to the roof level interface on the building. Note, it is essential that the extent of the “area release” is as described, to avoid non-productive working.
From the issue of our survey report for each area, the MAIN CONTRACTOR will rectify any discrepancies and will then “handover” the area, in writing to confirm that our installation works may start.
Materials must not be stored around the perimeter of the floors where survey works are scheduled. These areas must be free of debris, and the slab finish must be of reasonable finish allowing for accurate and permanent marking. Survey procedure can be modified to work around major obstacles, however, should the other Sub- Contractor/ Trades occupy areas released to subcontractor for survey, work will not commence, and Contractor will be notified.
Should activities such as overhead works commence during the survey of any area, the work will be immediately suspended, and the MAIN CONTRACTOR will be notified.
Based on the secondary control points the survey team will mark each bracket or structural support position and install one “key fixing point” at each wing which will be used by the installation teams as a reference to install and level all the remaining bracket or structural support.
Survey Control.
It is imperative that a stable and accurate survey control
system be constructed on any project of
this size. It is in the interest of the subcontractor and MAIN CONTRACTOR for
all surveyors to work with the strong
and reliable survey control system. This will see better coordination for increasing the accuracy and
therefore quality work. This also reduces
delays due to out of tolerance work.
Horizontal Control (Primary Control Points).
All “Primary Control Points” shall be supplied by MAIN CONTRACTOR.
These key co- ordinated points located internally on the building to all levels
are to be represented by a permanent
mark and termed Primary Setting Out Control Points (PSOCP). These are to be coordinated in the Site Grid System as is
currently being used on the curtain wall design
and they are to also be given a datum value. All points provided are to
be individually labelled and dated, with
these details to be recorded on a drawing that is to be issued to the
All primary Setting out Control Points are to be represented marks which should remain available for checking of the installed balustrade bracket system up to the practical completion of the works.
All final co-ordinates for the “Primary Setting Out Control
Points” are to be made available 4 weeks
prior to MAIN CONTRACTOR release of the area to the subcontractor. This
information is to be issued in the form
of drawings issued under cover of a transmittal document. This information will be used to ensure that dimensions
given in the “Primary Setting Out
Control Points” are to be provided as 3-dimensional co-ordinate points
(quoted in meters to 3 decimal places)
within the Site Grid System.
Grid Offset Points.
All coordinated points set out from the Secondary Control
Points by the subcontractor shall be
described as Grid Offset Points. These Grid Offset Points will consist
of a series of co- ordinated points that are established to create local
setting out information for the glass
balustrade installation works. These points will be used in the final
setting out and fixing of the brackets.
All Grid Offset Points shall be established using chain & offset, and/or
by employing 2 or 3 dimensional
co-ordinates. Grid Offset Points may take the form of a scribed cross on fluorescent green paint,
metal plates screwed to the slab, punch marks
on the steel wind posts, or similar.
Delivery and receiving of Materials.
Delivery of materials will be provided by trailers and 3-7 T
Any problem that the site might encounter in relation to its
deliveries such as unavailability of the
tower crane or a temporary staging area, the factory or plant shall be informed
immediately to make the necessary
adjustment and to avoid any disruption for both
All lifting operations and permits to be done by a certified
person and All Lifting Equipment Shall
be inspected and certified by the third party.
All permits required for the usage of the tower crane/mobile
crane shall be secured 24 hours in
advance, and advance notice of deliveries shall be forwarded to the Main
Contractor’s logistics team for proper evaluation.
Intermediate transport system from the “Temporary Storage
Area” at Ground Floor to the location of hoist or tower crane location.
Pallets/ A Frame of glass balustrade elements able to be transported in the
material hoists will then be transported into the material hoist using pallet
trolleys. Please note that it is crucial that the detail of the storage
area is agreed between the subcontractor
and the ASGC to enable an efficient and safe handling of glass balustrade elements pallets.
Balustrade brackets and glasses on Pallets/ A frame/ stillages are delivered on site using an open bed trailer. Each Pallet /A frame is strapped and secured to avoid slippage and damage. From the truck bed the Pallets/A frame are slung using a certified lifting belt chocking from underneath, which is then attached to the tower cranes’ hook. [If tower crane is unavailable then A frames/pallets shall be unloaded with JCB using a certified lifting bar. With the signal of the tower crane riggers the pallet / A frame is then lifted and safely landed on to the ground floor or loading platform (see Fig 2 & 3) by the subcontractor logistics team. Each A frame will have a maximum lifting weight of no more than 2000 Kg. Each Pallet/A frame has its own identifying dockets which indicate which area, floor level and the identification number. The dockets can be found on the sides of the Pallets / A frame.
Prefabricated balustrade brackets from our factory will be
delivered to the site by lorries. The packed bundle of balustrade elements will
be lifted by the tower / mobile crane if available, it must be shifted to a
temporary storage area which will be agreed and provided by main contractor.
The glass balustrade elements again will be shifted to the respective floors
with the use of tower cranes/hoist then
to the point of fixation/installation using wheeled bogey or pallet trucks as required. Bearing
in mind the glass and SST handrail needs close supervision to avoid scratches
or any damage during shifting of material.
Material Receiving Procedure.
As per the quality plan and requirements of the specification, all materials delivered to site shall be fixed permanently onto the structure and need to be inspected by the consultant prior to gain approval of certifying monthly billing. The procedures of inspection are as follows:
Documents required.
- Copy of Material Submittal Form, proving that the material has been approved by the consultant
- Delivery Note
- Material Inspection Request Procedure
- QA/QC Engineer prepares the material inspection request.
- Submits it to the QA/QC department along with the documents mentioned above.
- Allow the material to be unloaded in the specified area.
Pre-Construction Activities:
Cordon off areas below installation.
- Check all safety certificates are in place for any lifting gear or cradle platforms.
- Safety lines set up internally from column to column.
- Ensure the area of fixing is clear from debris and other contractors.
- Have approval for the temporary work request by HSE.
- PTW in Place daily.
- Ensure all datum and control points have been checked with the survey team.
Installation of Balustrade steel brackets:
Brackets for the balustrade should be installed as per the
following procedure:
Work permits to be obtained for working at slab edges. Edge
protection may be removed by designated crew from Main contractor.
Fall restraint belts must be always hooked to the safety
line by all operatives.
The area to be installed will be scanned and clear fixing
points will be marked.
Prior to commencing the works an exclusion zone will be
established below the installation area.
Brackets will be distributed from the stored location on
each floor to the perimeter of the building ready for installation, while
temporarily stored brackets will be kept 2.0m back from the slab edge.
Subcontractor operatives will shift the brackets to the
locations marked by survey manually with the support of safety
The hole’s position will be marked and drilled. The holes
will be cleaned, and the anchor bolt hammered in; the bracket will be placed on
the location. Once the bracket is aligned, shimmed, and levelled according to
the survey, then it will be securely fixed using a hand wrench and withdraw the
secondary safety ropes/slings in place.
Anchor bolts will be installed as per the setting out with
correct embedment.
Following alignment of an agreed number of brackets. A
secondary tightening operation will commence using a calibrated and 3rd party
certified torque wrench. The required torque will be clearly noted on the
bracket’s drawings.
Following torqueing the subcontractor operative will spray
the bracket to highlight the bracket is ready for glass installation. When the
agreed number of brackets are fixed a WIR will be raised for approval.
Installation of Glass.
The glass unit from the slab ‘A’ Rack will be removed by 2
to 4 operatives using manual glass clips and placed on the trolley and
manually shifted to the installation position.
Work permits to be obtained for working at slab edges. Edge
protection may be removed by designated crew from Main contractor.
Fall restraint must be always hooked to the safety line by
all operatives.
The exclusion zone must be set up below the installation
Prior to installation of balustrade glass, the bracket will
be clean and EPDM setting block will be placed.
Manual glass clips are used for lifting and placing the
Glass into the bracket angle.
Upon glass installation, Temporary blocks will be put on the
vertical edge prior to the next piece being lifted into place.
This operation will continue till all the glass units are
installed, aligned, and levelled.
When an agreed number of glasses are installed WIR will be
raised. Grout will be filled to the bracket channel upon approval of the
After all the glasses are installed, the SS Channel will be
positioned on top of the Glass Balustrade as per approved detail and will offer
for final WIR.
The above sequence is repeated sequentially until all
balustrade units are installed.
Quality Control:
The Site Management and QA/QC personnel should monitor the
installation to ensure it is done according to the approved
drawings/calculations and within the allowable tolerances set out in the
Project Specifications.
Site Supervision personnel must ensure that the work fully
complies with the norms laid down as per specification in all respects.
The inspections are based on the approved Inspection and
Test Plans. The inspection results are recorded in the corresponding
The site inspection and testing will be designed to perform
sufficient inspection and tests of all items of work to ensure that all aspects
of installation activities are covered.
When a representative portion of the installation is
completed, it will be offered for QA/QC inspection in compliance with the
approved drawings and project specifications. If the inspected works are found
satisfactory, the QA/QC Inspector shall offer the area for Consultant’s
inspection and approval.
The standard ‘Work Request for Inspection’ request for the
project shall be utilized to raise inspection request to the Consultant. QA/QC
Inspector shall be present with the Consultant during the inspection.
Experienced QA/QC inspector who is based full time on site
will carry out the site inspection and testing. The assigned QA/QC Inspector
will be independent of Site Management and will be reporting directly to the QC
Manager. QA/QC Inspector will have the authority to accept or reject the
The inspections are based on the Inspection and Test Plan
and the inspection results are recorded in the corresponding checklists. The
site inspection and testing will be designed to perform sufficiently inspects
and tests all activities of work to ensure that all aspects of installation are
The QA/QC Inspector on site will make a physical examination
of the materials received on site for conformance to approved drawings and
project specification.
Upon completion of the receiving inspection the QA/QC
Inspector shall submit the material Consultant’s inspection of received
When a representative portion of the installation is
completed, the QA/QC Inspector for compliance will inspect it. If the inspected
area is found satisfactory, it shall be offered for the consultant’s inspection
and approval.
In cases that the QA/QC Inspector found some non-conformity,
not in compliance with the acceptance criteria, a snag list will be raised
describing the activity or work and the nature non-compliance. The snag list
will be issued to the Project Manager for prompt action. The Project Manager
will propose a corrective action and on acceptance of the corrective action by
the QA/QC Inspector, the work will be rectified or reworked otherwise rejected
or total replacement.
Upon completion of the snags, the QA/QC Inspector will
re-inspect the works, if found satisfactory, it shall be submitted for Consultant’s
inspection and approval. The next activity or phase of work will not begin
unless the previous activity is Inspected and Approved by the Consultant.
The QA/QC Inspector daily to monitor the compliance of works
will carry out follow up inspections. The inspections will also monitor the
implementation of corrective measures being taken for field instructions
(issued by the Consultant), snags issued by the QA/QC Inspector and the
previous commented works by the Consultant. The details of the inspections and
the results of the inspections will be recorded in the daily QC report.
The QA/QC Inspector will submit a QC Report on a weekly
basis to the Project Manger copy to Quality Manger describing the inspection
activities carried out for the week. The QC report will contain detailed
information on inspections and tests for all work accomplished after the
previous report.
See Risk Assessment Template for Glass Balustrade Installation.
See Checklist Template for Glass Balustrade Installation.