What the meaning by continual improvement. Clause 10.2, ISO 9001.
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Home What the meaning by continual improvement. Clause 10.2, ISO 9001.

What the meaning by continual improvement. Clause 10.2, ISO 9001.

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 What the meaning by continual improvement. Clause 10.2, ISO 9001.

The last clause of ISO 9001 is the continual improvement clause. Continual improvement is an integral part of ISO 9001.

The standard requires that the companies continually improve the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the quality management system.
But why does the standard stress the suitability, adequacy beside the effectiveness?
The answer is very simple, and it is the theory on which all standard is built, everything changes, and it influences the quality management system in the company. 
The risk and opportunities change, the customer satisfaction may change, the conditions on the market change, etc. not forget that the standard changes as well. There was a new version of ISO 9001 standard published in 2015 which has significant changes compared to the version published in 2008.

All these leads to a simple conclusion that the quality management system should change as willing in order to reflect the changes in the business and environment to response to new trades and to see also the new opportunities.
Improvement opportunities can vary depending on the type of company and the maturity of the quality management system.
Example of improvement initiatives can be implemented software tools to support the process control activities, document new procedure, interduce new modalities of awareness raising in the companies, etc.

All improvements requires changes in the quality management system. However, not every change brings the improvement. That is why the improvement is a continues process.

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