The Purposes of the Internal Audit.
The purpose of the internal audit is very often misunderstood. It is usual perceived as a bureaucratic activity with no real benefit. However, the main purposes of the internal audit is :
- Help to improve management system for a company.
This improvement is possible because the auditor is the perfect position to see what is going wrong and by having this the auditor can help to resolve this problem.
- The internal audit is the key source of information for the management review.
- Through the internal audit, the employee awareness for the management system issues, rises, as well as their participation its improvement.
- To select a new supplier, we assure our selves of their quality management systems capability to meet our needs.
- To improve our current suppliers.
To be able to achieve all this, the internal auditor must approach this whole job in a positive way. This means the auditor cannot insult people if he or she sees that they have made a mistake. Rather, the auditor should explain the mistake in a very diplomatic way and help them improve the way they do things.