Method of Statement Template for Marble Installation
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Home Method of Statement Template for Marble Installation

Method of Statement Template for Marble Installation

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Method of Statement Template for Marble  Installation.

 Purpose of the method of statement.

The scope of this method of installation covers the application of marble and  granite works (i.e. floor and wall cladding). The purpose of the documentation  mentioned in this statement is to ensure that the quality control objectives are  maintained, and accurate records are established for the said scope of works. The objective is to ensure that the construction plan is executed, controlled, and  documented in compliance with the approved shop drawings, ensuring safety,  perfection and durability.  

Work Description.

The work includes Flooring installation of natural stone on the interior and exterior area with desired dimension and finishing conforming to the approved shop drawings. 

The work includes cladding (wet fixing) of natural stone on external walls and all other areas – interior and exterior cladding with desired dimension and finishing conforming to the approved shop drawings. 

The work includes cladding (mechanical fixing) of natural stone on external walls and all other areas – interior and exterior cladding with desired dimension and finishing conforming to the approved shop  drawings. 

Standard accessories used in stone cladding include metallic fasteners of required grade of stainless steel. Adhesives of approved make and quality are used to secure the fasteners and the holes and cuttings in the stone made for fasteners. 

Delivery, storage, and handling.

Stone will be packed in pallets of wooden strips with padding and plastic covers to prevent breakage, scratches, and damage to stone during transit/shipment. 

Stone will be carefully handled and stored separated by wooden strips to  prevent breakage, staining or other damage. 

Stone slabs will be kept in vertical position to prevent contact with earth surface. 


Marble flooring installation.

Site must be clean and free from other construction materials.

All materials will be cut from factory as per size requirements, unless otherwise needed to be cut at the site.

Establishing of floor levels in terms of finished floor line is to be provided by main contractor/consultant.  

Laying out for markers, lines and levels will be done together with our site engineer and foreman and to be checked and approved by the main contractor’s engineer to proceed. Starting point of installation will be our responsibility. 

Compacted sand and cement mixture will be laid with a maximum thickness of 10cm. (sand and cement will be provided by the main contractor, unless otherwise mentioned). 

All materials for flooring installation will be subjected to waterproofing agent application before installation.  

Liquid slurry / liquid cement will be applied on both materials and compacted sand with cement prior to installation.

Checking of level will be done at least in two different directions to ensure its accuracy.

Rubber hammer will be used in acquiring the correct level so as not to damage the materials.

Zero gaps will be always observed and a maximum of 0.2mm gap tolerance. 

Flooring pattern (Water jet-cut) are to be cut and pre-assembled (for small parts) in the factory.

Methods will be done repeatedly until completion of a certain floor area. 

Cleaning and grouting. 

Wall cladding installation (mechanical fixing).

Site must be clean and free from other construction materials. 

All materials will be cut from factory as per size requirements, unless otherwise needed to be cut at the site. 

Wall guidelines are to be placed to ensure the plumpness and verticality (unless specified to be inclined) of wall cladding.

Marble and granite wall cladding are only to be installed on reinforced concrete and or concrete blocks to carry the weight of the materials(unless necessary ). 

High strength expansion bolts are to be inserted on concretes at least 4cm deep, a minimum 4 mechanical bolt/angles are to be provided per piece of the cladding (depending on the sizes).

Cladding materials are to be cut with grinder (rear side) at least half of the thickness of the materials for which the steel angles are to be inserted. Ahigh mixture of glue and hardener is to be placed prior to installation.

Rubber hammer will be used in acquiring the correct plumpness so as not to damage the materials.

Verticality (unless specified to be inclined) and plumpness are to be checked at every piece of cladding being installed.

Zero gaps will be always observed and a maximum of 0.2mm gap tolerance (unless specified with gaps, grooves, and chamfer).

Methods will be done repeatedly until completion of a certain wall area. 

Cleaning and grouting. 

Wall cladding installation (wet fixing).

All under laying installations shall be approved by the CONSULTANT prior to start of tiling works (Ensure the MEP clearance obtained). 

Working area to be restricted for unauthorized entry. 

The surfaced to which marble tiles are to be fixed shall be thoroughly dry before fixing commences and free from all defects. 

The areas to be tiled shall be brushed clean and all traces of grease, oil, loose particle etc. must be removed. 

Ensure that the laying of tiles shall be as per the direction and pattern in approved shop drawings. 

Before laying tiles obtain approval of setting out by CONSULTANT.  Provide symmetry about center lines of the space or areas and adjust to minimize tile cutting. 

Lay out tile work so that the tiles less than ½ full size do not occur and with the minimum of cutting.  Carefully grind edges of cut tile.  Ensure cut tiles are in corners and are equal on each wall face. 


For concrete block walls and concrete walls to be finished with tile, apply a leveling coat of plaster minimum 12 mm thick, sufficient to cover the unevenness of the substrate and to make walls true vertical. 

Plaster shall be finished rough in order to have a strong key for tiling works. 

Plaster curing period shall be completed before start of tiling work. 

To ensure rows of tiles are truly horizontal, a level line shall be established to position the starting course.

Tiles of specified and approved sizes shall be fixed to wall surfaces by approved adhesive. 

Mixing adhesive shall be strictly followed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. 

Mortar shall be used within 2 hours of mixing at normal temperatures or within the pot life of the mix whichever is achieved earlier. 

Material shall not be used after initial set has taken place. 

Apply floated coat of adhesive to dry background and comb the surface with the recommended solid bed towel.  Fill any keys and apply thin even coat of adhesive over the entire back of each tile.  Press tiles onto bedding with twisting/sliding action to give finished bed thickness within the range recommended by the manufacturer.

Tamp the tile with rubber mallet to obtain required adhesion and level. 

Lay tile to pattern in accordance with Shop Drawings. Verify pattern is uninterrupted through openings. 

Establish lines of borders where applicable. 

Excessive mix/adhesive shall be removed with a damp cloth before the material has set.   

Cleaning and grouting. 


Installation is carried out by the experienced and competent masons who have expertise in dry fix process. They are assisted by unskilled laborers. Their work is in turn supervised by experienced Foremen. Site Engineer will be available for co-ordination with other sub-contractors and Main Contractor and to investigate the technical aspects. He will ensure that the overall work conforms to the shop Drawing. 

Machinery and tools.

  • Stone Cutting Machines of different sizes. 
  • Grinding machine of different sizes. 
  • Drilling machines. 
  • Toolbox containing spirit level, measuring tape, water level, right angle, plump etc.  

Safety procedures.

All standard Health, Safety & Environment norms will be adhered to strictly. 

All the workmen will wear overalls, safety shoes, goggles, hand gloves and helmets. Adequate lighting and ventilation will be ensured during installation. 

It will be ensured that machinery and tools used are safe and always in good condition. Where applicable only calibrated tools will be used. 

Markings will be made on the wall by setting plumb to determine the exact locations. 

Also, you can review Checklist Template for Marble Installation Work.









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