Method Statement for Gypsum Ceiling-Double Layer Partitions
The scope of
this Method Statement is to cover the suspended ceilings works.
The purpose of this documents is to establish systematic procedures for
suspended ceiling works and to ensure that it is done as per the approved shop
drawings, project specifications and to make it all the people understand the
sequence of works.
Prior to works commencing, the Site Engineer shall ensure that the following
activities have been completed and signed-off by the Consultant (Shop Drawing,
Material Submittal and Method of Statement).
The Site Engineer shall ensure that the necessary Statutory Authorities approvals
have been received.
Materials to be used shall be as per the approved material and should be
inspected prior to use in gypsum ceiling works and all fixation elements will be as
per approved.
- 100 mm x 0.90 mm Wall Stud - 4.0m
- 100 mm x 0.9 mm Deflection Head Track
- Flat Strap - 90mm x 0.90 mm thick
- Backing Rod 10mm
- 6 x 60mm Ceiling Anchor with Eye Hole
- Double Spring Clip - 4mm
- 4mm Wire Rod - 40m
- T24 Cross Tee - 26 mm x 24 mm x 600 mm
- T24 Cross Tee - 26 mm x 24 mm x 1200 mm
- Wedge Anchor - 6x40mm
- Jointing Tape - Fiber
- 15mm Firewall Gypsum Board
- Furring Channel 64x35x23, 0.50 mm
- GI L-Angle 25x25, 0.50 mm
- GI L-Angle 25x25, 0.90 mm
- Main Channel 38x12x12, 0.50 mm
- Main Channel 38x12x12, 0.90 mm
- 13mm GlassMat Gypsum Board
- Hilti - Fire and Acoustic Sealant Sausage - CP 606
- Hammer Screw, Size: 6 x 40mm
- HSA M8 x 54.5 mm Standard Stud Anchor
- Hex Washer Head Self Drilling Screws M5.5 x 25
- Jointing Compound - Exterior
- GM R100 - Jointing Compound
- 12.5mm Moisture Resistant Gypsum Board
- T24 Main Tee - 38 mm x 24 mm x 3600 mm
- T24 Perimeter Angle - 24 mm x 24 mm x 3000 mm
- 12.5 mm Regular Gypsum Board
- Self-Drilling Screw M3.5 x 35mm
- Self-Drilling Screw M3.5 x 45mm
- Self-Drilling Screw M3.5 x 55mm
- Self-Tapping Screw M3.5 x 25mm
- Slotted Web Cleat 75mm
- Wafer head screw M4.2 x13
Prior to the commencement of this activity or work, necessary work permits shall be
obtained as required in the contract condition. All HSE activities related to the
project, will be based on the company issued HSE Management System
guidelines. All quality assurance and quality control activities will be in line with the
requirements of the contract.
Make sure that all the related submittals such as shop drawings, method statement
and material
submittals are approved before commencing the work.
All materials are subjected to Material Inspection Request (MIR) before site usage.
All materials will be pre-checked for any defects or damages before use. On the
working level, material will be stored in designated areas which will be cordoned
off, arranged neatly, considering the loadings on the slab i.e., materials will not be
stored on a single pile but rather distributed and spread out evenly to distribute
load. Method of shifting from store to floor level will be done by pickup, crane etc.
Delivery, storage, and handling:
- Material inspection request (MIR) shall be available at time of delivery which includes delivery note, approved material submittal and material test certificate (if available).
- Upon delivery, all materials shall be inspected & approved by consultant prior to storage /commencement of work.
- After inspection, materials shall be protected by protection materials.
- A secure and conditioned store is required. Material store is subjected for monthly internal audit.
- Wherever possible protection should not be removed till final installation.
Work Methodology:
Double Layer
1. Fix “Wall
Angles” to walls and around columns etc. at 600 mm maximum centers by means of hammer
screws making allowance in the ceiling height for the thickness of the gypsum
2. Determine the
direction of the “Main channel” with first main channel starting not more
than150mm A from the wall and the subsequent main channels as per specified
centers mentioned in the technical proposal.
3. Determine the
position of the “Suspensions” as per specified centers mentioned in the
technical proposal.
4. The first and
last - suspension shall not be more than 150mm B from the wall.
1. Cut the “L-
Angle for vertical Suspension” 100 mm more than the suspension length.
2. Snip one
flange of “Suspension” at 100mm from one end and bend it to form a L. Secure
the bend part by screwing the overlapping metals with drill point M4.2 wafer
head screw.
3. Drill the
upper slab with suitable drill @ Specified centers along the line of the Main
channel offset by 50mm, through the prepared and positioned “Suspension”.
4. Hammer the
Wedge anchor to fix the “Suspensions” to the upper slab.
5. Similarly fix
the “Suspensions”. Arrange the same along the line using laser or string.
1. Position the
Main channel along the pre-determined direction and connect it to the hanging suspension
L- Angles using 2 wafer head screws positioned diagonally at each intersection.
The first and last main channel shall
not be more than 150mm A from the wall.
2. Similarly fix
the suspension channels and main channels, such that the successive main channel is spaced not more than the specified
main channel centers. When Main channels are
spliced, the ends shall be overlapped not less than 300 mm D mm with
flanges interlocked and securely fastened
with 4 wafer head screws.
3. The main
channel shall not touch the surrounding walls and a gap of not less than 25mm
to be maintained.
1. The furring
channel is screw fixed crosswise to main channel’s flange with 2 wafer head
screws at each intersection.
2. Web of the
furring channel shall rest on the perimeter wall angles on 2 sides of the
3. The first and
last furring channel shall not be away by 300mm from the wall and successive
channels are spaced at specified furring channel centers.
4. When Furring
channel are spliced, the ends shall be overlapped not less than 200 mm E and
securely fastened with 4 wafer head screws.
1. Gypsum
board’s longitudinal edges to be positioned crosswise to the furring
2. If required ,
a shadow gap as per project requirement to be maintained at perimeters.
3. The boards
edge close to the wall shall be secured with – shadow line /casing / stopping
bead .optional)
4. Place the cut
joints at the centre of furring channel and stagger systematically by half
board length
5. The boards to
be screw fixed to the corner profiles(wall angles) and furring channel
using specified screw.
6. The screw
length shall be of sufficient length so that the threaded portion shall
penetrate not less than 9mm into the
framing members.
7. Screw shall
be space not more than 300mm centers along the framing members.
8. Place screws
not less than 9mm and not more than 13 mm to edges of the gypsum board.
1. Paper and
gypsum burrs due to board cutting to be removed from the edges.
2. Self-adhesive
Fiber tape to be applied for vertical and horizontal board joints
3. Jointing
compound to be applied for vertical and horizontal gaps.
4. Screw head
covered with jointing compound termed as Spotting. (Note: wherever board
cut square edges are there, V groove is
made to receive the jointing compound).
5. Apply the
first layer (100 mm wide) on top of Fiber Tape and make it even.
6. Allow this to
dry, lightly sand to remove any imperfections. Remove the dust from the
7. Apply the
second layer (250mm wide) and make it even.
8. Allow this to
dry, lightly sand to remove any imperfections. Remove the dust from the
9. Apply the
third layer (300mm wide) and make it even.
10. Allow this
to dry, lightly sand to remove any imperfections. Remove the dust from the
11. Same method
to be followed for internal and external corners. (Note: For the external
corners, P01 or Corner tape is recommended to be used.)
Next article we will explain the methodology of 2Hr Fire Rated Ceiling
method statement.
- See risk assessment template for Gypsum Board Ceiling.