What meaning by control of production and service provision?
To have effective production and services provision process, the organization must conduct it under controlled conditions.
What does this control conditions it mean?
Control condition for production and service provision process include the following:
- Documents that define characteristics of the products and service and this usually product or service specification.
And some documents about the activities to be performed and this usually the procedure for production and service provision or some other work instruction. Monitoring and measuring activities implemented at appropriate stages in process to ensure the processes conducted according to plan.
- Have other necessary resources such as measuring equipment, suitable infrastructure, and competent people.
- The organization must also ensure that it can be achieve planned results of the production and service provision process by occasional, validation, and revalidation activities.
Validation is conducted in situation their conformity of the product cannot be verified after production or the cost of verification is too high.
The production and service provision process should be organized in a way that minimizes the chance of human error.
Implement release, delivery, and post-delivery activities. And finally, the organization will demonstrate the realest product is conformance with the requirements product to resale record.
Whatever is necessary, the organization need to establish traceability of it is products and services, meaning that it can be track down it is product from customer to the row materials used for production to the supplier.
For example, if the company is producing food and after the delivery to the customer, it is discovered that is the one of the ingredients in the food is not conforming by using the traceability, the company may determine in which patch of the products the non-conforming ingredient was used and where is the food from the patch was delivered. So, it is does not have to recall all the products, just the one from nonconforming patch.
And this is important especially in case when it is needed to conduct recall of the products. When the company operations include handling customer property or property of subcontractors, the standard requires property to be identified, verified, and protected.
For example, the customer or subcontractor property may delivery row material, drawings, or equipment to the company for service or use. When such property is lost or damaged, company must report to the owner and document what has happened, and this usually done in record called notification to a customer about changes on his property.