Design and Development of Planning and Inputs.
Processes of designing and developing a new products or services is one of the most complex ones in the organization but also one of the most important because it is creates competitive advantage for the organization and enable it to adapt its products and services to changing needs and expectations of its customers.
Four steps in design and development processes in stages and controls during the design and development considering the various aspects of design and development such as:
- The nature, duration, and complexity of activities.
For example, some design and development may take long time, be control by customer and include some complex activities like validation.
- Required process stages and reviews.
In every design and development processes the stages must be defined as well as the points where the reviews will be conducted in order to ensure that design and development is going in the right direction.
- Validation and verification activities.
For example, validation would be running computer simulation to see valid product will be able to meet the requirements. Verification is for example inspection for first sample prototype.
- Resources.
For example, when people will be practicable in design and development, what facilities is needed, etc.
The standard does not require this clause to be documented. However, it is very common to do so usually it is documented in project plan or project task together with other requirements such design and development inputs.
When designing and developing new products or services, organization must determine all inputs needed for successful design and development of products and services.
Inputs elements of design and development are important because incomplete inputs can lead design and development processes to failure.
For example, the customer poorly define design requirements and then in later stages in design process, he may not like the design and then the all design process can return to the beginning which will cost to the customer and the organization.
When define the inputs, organization must consider the following:
- Functional and performance requirements of the product and service to be produced.
Meaning how exactly design product should be like, what materials should be used, etc.
- Information from pervious similar activities.
This can be very helpful because if the company have already done similar designs, it may use some parts from the previous design and save time during the new designs.
- Applicable statutory and regulatory.
Design and development of some products may be regulated by the law and technical standards and this must be taken into account during design and development.
For example, there are strict rules regarding to the materials used for productions of toys for children.
- Potential consequence of failure due to nature of product and service.
Risks in design process must be identified, what can go wrong and what are the potential consequences of the design process failure.
For example, design can be only a small part of some bigger design process and the failure can lead to the big design process to hold.
In order to have
effective design and development process, the inputs must be adequate,
complete, clear, well expressed and defined. Inputs will help the company to
precisely plan the design process and save time.
On the other hand,
poorly defined inputs will definitely require changes during the design process
and increase time and cost for the design.
Any conflicting in
design and development inputs must be resolved before continuing with design
and development. For example, the static design and materials selected may not
be able to support the structure of the product.
The standard required
the design and development inputs to be documented. Usually in the project