Method Statement for Cement Board Dry Wall Partitions.
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Home Method Statement for Cement Board Dry Wall Partitions.

Method Statement for Cement Board Dry Wall Partitions.

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Method Statement for Cement Board Dry Wall Partitions 


The Method statement describes the working procedure for Assembling of Dry wall 
Partitions and other related activities. This will include for the preparation for 
Frames, Bracing, Boarding of Partitions. 
The purpose of this Method Statement for Dry Wall Partition is to outline and describe in 
detail the procedure, material and labor required to undertake the work or activity in a safe and controlled manner.  This will comprise the Dry Wall Partition and as specified in the approved shop drawings.  


Project Specification. 
All related codes and standards referenced in the contract specifications. 

Contract Drawings.
Program of Work.
Approved project Quality & Safety plan and procedures.  


These listed materials and tools/equipment that are required for this activity will defer depending on the condition of the area encountered.  

12 mm Cement Board.

Top Track & Floor Track.  

Galvanized steel – BS EN- 10346 2009 (formerly) coating type as per ASTM A 653 / A 653 M. Dimension A & C can be made up to 25 -50 mm.

Metal Studs.  

Galvanized steel – BS EN- 10346 2009 (formerly) coating type as per ASTM A 653 / A 653 M. Dimension A & C can be made up to 34 -50 mm. Length can be mad up to 13 m.

GTI Framing screw.

GTI Dry wall screw

Wedge anchor

Tape (Fiber & Corner)  

Joint Compound. 

For example, Terracco handycoat material. 


• Screwdriver Machine. 
• Drill Machine. 
• Carpenter Saw. 
• Hand Cutter. 
• Grinding Machine. 
• Measuring Tape. 
• Spirit Level. 
• Scraper (Diff. Size) 
• Paint Brush. 
• Paint Roller.  



Prior to works commencing, the Site Engineer shall ensure that the following activities 
have been completed and signed-off by the Consultant: 
Drawing must be approved for construction by the Consultant. 

Materials Submittals (Cement board, Framing Stud, Track, screws, and joint filler material    
are approved by Consultant. 

Method of statement was approved by consultant.

The Site Engineer shall ensure that the necessary Statutory Authorities approvals have  
been received WIR for completed concrete works should be approved.  

Repairing of concrete surfaces prior to framing works. 

Ensure all necessary protection to be provided to existing Structure, floor, Services and Ceiling against any damage.

Erect scaffold and access platforms in accordance with approved documents and safety procedures. 

A toolbox talk will be initiated by the HSE Team to the personnel who will perform this activity. 

Review the relevant documents to verify whether the preceded activity was completed and approved by the consultant.

QA/QC Representative will verify that all the apparatus and instruments used to check the quality of material and conditions were all calibrated with supporting documents.

Allocate a dedicated Site Engineer to supervise this activity that will ensure that this Method Statement, ITP, and other specific documents related to this activity. 

Delivered materials should be verified by the QA/QC Representative and has to be inspected by the Engineer. 

Store materials in dry area out of direct sun light and as directed by the material manufacturer.

Delivery Storage and Handling.

Cement Partition and lining materials (Cement boards, insulation's (IF REQUIRED) and Framing components), with delivery note to be delivered to the site accordingly and 
Stored, protected against from any damage.  


Layout Marking or Setting Out.

 The team will conduct a survey for specific layout marking as per Site Personnel.
 The Team will carry out layout marking as per approved drawing in accord with the 
 schedule of work.
 The layout would be mark with any marking line on the floor and subject for correct layout. Once the setting out is completed, the end points will be marked with permanent markers. The level and line for setting out would be taken from the approved Drawing from the Contractor at site.
All layout and markings will be checked before proceeding with the installation.

Check for right angle and alignment of the framing / first fix   

Framework for Partition.

Fixing the bottom Track to the floor matching the layout on the floor which have been marked before starting the fixation. 

Fix the first and last vertical stud only for each expected wall partition and in the same time fix the top track to check the alignment.  

The floor tracks will also be fixed in the same manner.

The stud will be installed between the top and bottom@600 mm Center to center tracks taking into consideration the height of the partition and joints of studs to overlap 600 mm in both directions.

Around opening doors and A/C Ducts should be taken into consideration for extra support channels, as horizontal track, and vertical stud in position to receive flat faces.  

The framework will inspect by Site In-charge for any discrepancy, to rectify, if any, before proceeding the work.  

Rock wool insulation “if required” and Boarding for 


First will start with Installation “if required” of First layer one side Cement board keeping 20
mm of space around the outer frame and ducts openings for the fire sealant “If Applicable” 
to be applied

Second will put the insulation inside the partition structure making sure of dimensions and
keeping the insulation tight inside the structure of the partition.
After the cutting and fixing of both side Cement board, it will start the Second layer of fire
rated gypsum board and then start the joint treatment with fiber tape and assuring that joint 
level is not exceeding the board level.
Boards will be installed along the stud direction with plasterboard screw or using the required accessories and metal angle as per approved materials and drawing.

The joints between each board are covered with Fiber tape. After fixing the joint fiber tape,
the gap be filled with Putty and the surface must be smooth using sandpaper.  

Taping, Jointing and Painting.

The substrate shall be fully cured and prepared to the required surface finish prior to
commencement of painting. 

The substrate shall be free from dust, oil, grease, and wax contaminants etc.
The substrate shall be repaired if the surface has imperfections. Appropriate repair products 
shall be used.
Any MEP embedded items (Switches, power supplies etc.) shall be fully sealed and signed-

First coat of joint filler should be applied with Tools of Sufficient width to extend a minimum 
of 50 mm beyond both sides of the center of the Joint.
Joint tape to be embedded into the joint Filler to reinforce the joint between the Cement 

Second Coat joint filler will be applied over the dried first Coat. 

Once the Second Coat is dried, surface should be sanded and smoothed. 

One coat of Primer will be applied over the board joints. 

Another One coat of Primer applied over the entire Partition Area.  


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