Quality management system course - Requirements for Products and Services
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Home Quality management system course - Requirements for Products and Services

Quality management system course - Requirements for Products and Services

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Quality management system course - Requirements for Products and Services

The first section of clause 8.2 from ISO 9001:2015 is describes the requirements regarding the communication with customers.

- Customer communication.

Define the process of communication with customer is important because it helps organization to improve its product or service.
Also, avoid complaint or resolve them in a better way lead to enhanced customer satisfaction.

- The required information should including in customer communication.

- Providing information regarding the product or service. 

For example, brochures, catalogues and, other information prior to purchase but also necessary information needed after the purchase of product or service such as instruction manual, information about storage, etc.

- Handling contracts or orders including changes.

This mean that the organization must define process of collecting orders, who creates and signs contract and how the changes in order or contract will be managed.

Obtaining customer feedback including complaints.

Knowing your customer opinion about your product or service is very important and can help you to identify opportunities for important. So, the organization need to determine how this information will be collected and analyzed.

Handling and controlling customer property.

If your production and service provision process includes dealing with customer property. For example, customer is providing raw materials for production of a product deliver to him. the company must identify those raw materials and segregate them from the rest of raw materials and if some unplanned change happens like lost or damaged, the customer must be notified.

Specific requirements for contingency actions.

For example, what actions to take to mitigate adverse effects of unintended use for product.

The 2nd section from this clause 8.2 is determine requirements for products offered to particular customers.

- Determination of requirements related to product or service.

The organization must consider any applicable statutory and regulatory requirements related to products or services and requirement considered necessary by the organization itself.
The organization must also determine whether it can meet claims for products it offers.
For example, the company can deliver the product to customer, but it cannot produce the required quantity in the defined time frame.
The standard does not require determine requirements for products and service to be documented. However, it can be recorded in product specification or another similar document.

- Review of requirements related to products and services.

Review of requirements related to products and services is important because falling to deliver products and services leads to inconvenient situations like penalties or at least loss of a good reputation among with the customers. In order to prevent that the organization must conduct review of requirements for products and services before committing to supply the customer.

This review should include the following:

Requirements stated by the customer.

For example, the requirements of the customer states in purchase order.

- Requirements not stated by the customer but necessary for intended use.

For example, if the company produces toys for children the customer does not have to state the requirements for toys to be produced out of safe materials.

Requirements of the organization itself.

 The company usually have its own requirements of the product. 

Contract or order requirements from the previously expressed.

In case there are changes in the requirements after contract is signed and delivery agreed, the company must ensure that those changes are resolved before delivery. The relevant documentation is amended, and relevant persons are aware of changed requirements.

For example, the customer may require bigger quantity of the product to be delivered, in such case the CEO must consult the production manager to determine whether the new requirements can be met and if it is possible the order of production must be change and may be new purchase of raw materials must be conducted. All these requirements must be confirmed before accepting the order or contract.

The organization may also decide to retain records on the result of this review or any new requirement for products and services. This usually recorded in document called customer requirement checklist.

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