Pile Head Treatment Method Statement Template.
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Pile Head Treatment Method Statement Template.

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Pile Head Treatment Method Statement Template.

This method statement template describes the working procedures for concrete pile head treatment and all related activities. This will include surface preparation and application. 

-Scope of Works

The purpose of this Method of Statement for waterproofing application is to outline the materials and labor required to undertake the works in a safe and controlled manner, compiling with relevant legislation, standards, and codes of practice etc. 

The method statement shall be briefed to all appropriate operatives to ensure that they are aware of the sequence of activities and any Client/Consultant project specific requirements. 
A constant monitoring and supervision duty shall be undertaken by main contractor to ensure work activities are carried out in accordance with the method statement. Any irregularities shall be immediately action. 

- General

Prior to works commencing, the Site Engineer shall ensure that the following activities have been completed and signed-off by the Consultant: 

  • Drawing must be approved for construction by the Consultant. 
  • Materials Submittals for waterproofing is approved by Consultant. 
  • The Site Engineer shall ensure that the necessary Statutory Authorities approvals have been received.  


  • Approved drawings for construction 
  • Project specification Section  
  • Approved pile treatment material. 
  • Approve project quality & safety plan  


  • Cementous grout for 15 mm-20 mm thick.
  • Primer.  
  • Two Layers- SBS membrane.  
  • Epoxy 20 mm thickness on top of the pile head.  

- General Notes.

All materials shall be stored in a dry and temperature-controlled area as per manufacturer recommendation.  

Epoxy grout pouring shall be done when the atmospheric temperatures are considerably low, such as early mornings or late evenings. This is to avoid accelerating the exothermic reaction if the surface temperature is very high, and which may result in the development of cracks due to the high heat generation.  

The equipment for mixing such as the paddle mixer, mixing bowl should be kept cool so that they do not impart additional temperature to the material during mixing.  

A slow speed drill (300 rpm) with the appropriate paddle mixer shall be used. The slow speed mixing will greatly reduce the entrapment of air and the development of pin holes on the surface of the grout after curing.   

-Surface Preparation:  

Piles shall be cut to the desired level.  

 Surveyor mark for ensuring top level should be provided in all the pile head reinforcement.

The surface should be dry, free of any cement laitance, oil, grease, curing compound and any other deleterious materials. Light sand/grit blasting or water jet is recommended for cleaning the surface of such contaminants. 

Bundled bars (if any) to be treated as per our requirement. 

Rust to be removed for minimum 200 mm in the vertical rebars.

Transverse reinforcement are to be removed completely and vertical rebar to be straightened. 

- Application of cementious grout.

  • Pile head should be having a shear for shuttering.
  • Proper surveyor mark should be given in each pile for the application of grout 
  •  Break out the repair area to remove all damaged concrete to a minimum depth of 15-20 mm, up to the pre-cut edge of the repair.  
  •  Form-work is to be erected all around the pile cap, having a diameter 15 mm greater than that of the pile. The height of the form-work should be 20 mm above the pile head to place a 15-20 mm thick layer of grout 
  • Saturate the substrate with clean water before applying grout Completely drain out water and seal the form work to avoid outflow of material.  
  •  Mix the Cementous grout as per manufacturing recommendations. 
  •  Pour the entire contents of grout into the container and mix continuously for 3 minutes with a paddle mixer fitted to a slow speed drill till a uniform, homogeneous and lump free consistency is achieved. 

  • There must be suitable access points to pour or pump the mixed material in place.  
  • Ensure that the substrate is absolutely clean and in a saturated condition when the material is poured in.  
  • Immediately after mixing, pour grout into the form-work over and all around the area.   

  • Ensure that pouring is executed from the nearest point to the substrate. Do not pour from high distance.  
  •  Apply at a minimum thickness of 15-20 mm.   

  • The material should be placed within 30 minutes of mixing, in order to gain the full benefits of fluidity and expansion, which will fill all the voids.  
  •  Placement should be a continuous process, to avoid the formation of a ‘cold joint’.  
  •  Remove the form work after a period of approximately 24 hrs hours after the placing grout.
  •  Immediate curing shall be done with either water spraying / gunny bag curing.  
  •  Water shall be poured for the depth of 10 mm before removing the shutter after final setting time of the grout.  
  •  Clean all tools immediately after use with water. Hardened materials can be removed mechanically only. 

- Primer & membrane application in pile head. 

Corner fillet to be made around the pile head (50 mm x 50 mm). 

Corner of the pile head to be chamfered to avoid the sharp corners.  
Loose particles such as laitance to be removed from the top of pile head.

Primer to be applied till the outer perimeter of the rebar at the top. 

Check the primed surface before the start of the work. The surface should be dry and   ready for the membrane application.  

Two layers of membrane to be installed around the pile head and to be terminated at 
the top by leaving minimum 5 mm beyond the outer perimeter of the pile head (Ensure 2nd layer should cover the 1st layer joint).
The underside of the membrane should be superficially melted by sufficient torching. Excessive torching may damage the reinforcement.   
Overlaps should be reheated from the top and resealed with a trowel to ensure the   seam integrity.  
Membrane should be immediately protected from the possible damage with either screed or the protection board.  

-Application of epoxy grout.

The Surface should be free from any loose particles such as laitance 
The shuttering to be done with protection board to have a required thickness of Epoxy.  

Bottom of the protection board to be sealed not to have slurry loss 
The mixing of epoxy to be done as per manufacturer recommendation
The Top Level of epoxy to be maintained as per required thickness 
After 15-30 minutes of casting the epoxy, trowel finishing is required at the top to remove 
the blisters.  

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