Quality Management System Free Course - Quality Objectives.
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Quality Management System Free Course - Quality Objectives.

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Free Training Course - Quality Management System (QMS) According to ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Objectives.

In the last module (Free Training Course -Foundations of Quality Management System (QMS) According to ISO 9001:2015 – module-5) we took Addressing risks and opportunities; in this module we will take Quality Objectives.

Quality Objectives.

Quality objectives is important because it represent the basis for continual improvement of the quality management system and define the priorities in quality management.

Things should be taken into consideration when define the quality objectives.

  • Aligned with the quality objectives.
  • They should be easy to measure in order to be able to monitor the progress of their achievement.
  • Should take into account the needs of the company regarding to the quality management and to be relevant to conformity of products, services and to enhancement customer satisfaction.
  • The objectives should be updated to reflect the current state in the company and its quality management system. This to ensure fulfillment of the objectives, the company should create plan to achieve them by assigning responsible person, allocating resources, defining deadline for completion, etc.

This usually documented in document called quality objectives and standard required quality objectives to be documented. There are usually recorded in one signal separate document.

An example of a well-documented and measurable quality objectives would be decreasing the number of nonconformities in warehousing process by 20% in following year. This objective include the description (decrease the number of nonconformities) and include measurable target (20%) and a time frame (one year).

A later as a part of check phase the effectiveness of the quality management system will be measured through the fulfillment of the quality objectives among other measurements. That is why it is important that planning achievement of the objectives includes determine resources, responsibilities, deadlines, and methods for evaluation of objective achievement.

When planning achieved the objectives, the organization also determine how the results will be evaluated.

For example, if the objectives increase customer satisfaction by 10% by the end of the year, it will be evaluated by a customer satisfaction survey.

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